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我如何解決斜杠 im discord.js 的問題?

[英]how can i solve the problem with slash im discord.js?

我的機器人一直工作到昨天,但我更新了它並輸入了一些新命令,現在出現此錯誤,當我單擊我的機器人啟動此錯誤時出現:原因:DiscordAPIError [50035]:無效的表單正文 2.options [0]。類型[NUMBER_TYPE_COERCE]:值“整數”不是整數。 這出現在所有 bot slashed 命令中


const { getVoiceConnection } = require("@discordjs/voice");
module.exports = {
name: "volume",
description: "Changes the Volume of the Music",
options: [
  name: "volume",
  description: "Then Volume you want to set",
  type: "INTEGER",
  required: true,
run: async (client, interaction, args, prefix) => {
if (!interaction.member.voice.channelId)
  return interaction
      ephemeral: true,
      content: "👎 **Please join a Voice-Channel first!**",
    .catch(() => null);
// get an old connection
const oldConnection = getVoiceConnection(interaction.guild.id);
if (!oldConnection)
  return interaction.reply({
    ephemeral: true,
    content: "👎 **I'm not connected somewhere!**",
if (
  oldConnection &&
  oldConnection.joinConfig.channelId != interaction.member.voice.channelId
  return interaction
      ephemeral: true,
      content: "👎 **We are not in the same Voice-Channel**!",
    .catch(() => null);

const queue = client.queues.get(interaction.guild.id); // get the queue
if (!queue) {
  return interaction.reply({
    ephemeral: true,
    content: `👎 **Nothing playing right now**`,
if (
  !args[0] ||
  isNaN(args[0]) ||
  Number(args[0]) < 1 ||
  Number(args[0]) > 150
  return interaction
      ephemeral: true,
      content: `👎 **No __valid__ Volume between 1 and 100 % provided!** Usage: \`${prefix}volume 25\``,
    .catch(() => null);
const volume = Number(args[0]);
queue.volume = volume;

// change the volume
  volume / 100

return interaction
    ephemeral: false,
    content: `🔊 **Successfully changed the Volume to \`${volume}%\`**`,
  .catch(() => null);

您已從 v13 升級到 v14 - 這是一個重大變化。 Discord.js 實施了許多更改,這些更改改變了您的機器人的開發方式,並且與以前版本的代碼不兼容,並且需要您升級代碼本身。

您可以在從 v13 升級到 v14上查看此頁面。

您必須使用 v14 中的枚舉。 在這種情況下, ApplicationCommandOptionType

const { ApplicationCommandOptionType } = require("discord.js")
// ...
    // ...
    type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Integer


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