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Ansible - 使用變量替換

[英]Ansible - replace using variables

我試圖弄清楚為什么我的任務不起作用。 我正在嘗試設置變量來更改文件的內容,該文件保持服務器當前狀態,例如:新建或活動等。我沒有收到錯誤或失敗,但根本沒有更改文件的內容。 任何建議幫助將不勝感激。

- hosts: all 
   become: yes
     - name: cur_status
       prompt: "What is the current status?"
       private: no
     - name: new_status
       prompt: "What is the new status?"
       private: no
   - name: Set server status
       path: /server/status.txt
       regexp: >-
       replace: >-
     ignore_errors: yes   


$ ansible-playbook -i servers2update  server_status.yaml -k -K
SSH password: 
BECOME password[defaults to SSH password]: 
What is the current status?: New
What is the new status?: Active

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************************************************************************
ok: [serverA]

TASK [Set server status] *******************************************************************************************************************
ok: [serverA]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************
ServerA             : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

cat /server/status.txt

您需要刪除>- (折疊運算符)才能使正則regexp工作。 例如:

 - name: Set server status
      path: /server/status.txt
      regexp: "{{cur_status}}"
      replace: "{{new_status}}"
    ignore_errors: yes

這是replace->regexp的文檔(第 3 行):

        The regular expression to look for in the contents of the file.
        Uses Python regular expressions; see https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html.
        Uses MULTILINE mode, which means `^' and `$' match the beginning and end of the file, as well as the beginning and end respectively of `each line'
        of the file.
        Does not use DOTALL, which means the `.' special character matches any character `except newlines'. A common mistake is to assume that a negated
        character set like `[^#]' will also not match newlines.
        In order to exclude newlines, they must be added to the set like `[^#\n]'.
        Note that, as of Ansible 2.0, short form tasks should have any escape sequences backslash-escaped in order to prevent them being parsed as string
        literal escapes. See the examples.

        type: str


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