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[英]Default value for template parameter, followed by non-type parameter pack


template <typename T, typename U = int, auto... Params>
class Foo {};

int main()
    auto foo1 = Foo<int, int, 1, 2, 3>{};
    auto foo2 = Foo<int, 1, 2, 3>{}; // I want it to compile

看來我需要一些技巧。 我嘗試了部分專業化,但它也不起作用

template <typename T, typename U, auto... Params>
class Foo {};

template <typename T, auto... Params>
class Foo<T, int, Params...> {};

int main()
    auto foo1 = Foo<int, int, 1, 2, 3>{};
    auto foo2 = Foo<int, 1, 2, 3>{}; // I want it to compile




#include <tuple>

template<typename T, auto ...Params> class Foo;

template<typename T, typename U, auto ...Params>
class Foo< std::tuple<T, U>, Params...> {

    // Your template goes here, making use of T and U

template<typename T, auto ...Params>
class Foo< std::tuple<T>, Params...> : Foo<std::tuple<T, int>, Params...> {

    // Might need to define some cleanups here, like a delegating constructor,
    // and/or delegated overload operators.


Foo<std::tuple<char>, 3, 4> defaulted;

Foo<std::tuple<char, float>, 3, 4> non_defaulted;

稍微麻煩一點,只有在需要指定第二個可選類型時才需要正式的std::tuple ,並且只需直接指定主要類型(盡管如果主要類型是,這將產生一些可避免的混淆一個std::tuple本身)。


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