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我有一個 function ,它返回一個具有特定命名屬性的 PSCustomObject 。 如何讓這些命名屬性出現在自動完成中?

[英]I have a function that returns a PSCustomObject with specific named properties. How can I get these named properties to appear in autocomplete?

這是一個簡單的 function ,它將文件路徑拆分為各個組件並將它們分配給一些屬性:

function Get-FilePathComponents {

    param (

    begin {}

    process {

        foreach ($P in $Path) {
                ContainingFolder     = Split-Path $P -Parent
                FileBaseName         = Split-Path $P -LeafBase
                FileFullName         = Split-Path $P -Leaf
                FileExtension        = Split-Path $P -Extension
                FullPathNoExtension  = [IO.Path]::Combine((Split-Path $P -Parent),(Split-Path $P -LeafBase))
                CompletePath         = $P
                ParentFolder         = Split-Path (Split-Path $P -Parent) -Parent

然后我像這樣使用 function:

$DestFile = "C:\Images\Wallpapers\SomeCoolWallpaper.jpg"
$Components = Get-FilePathComponents $DestFile

$Components.FileFullName     # Outputs SomeCoolWallpaper.jpg
$Components.ContainingFolder # Outputs C:\Images\Wallpapers

我真正需要完成的是以某種方式為返回的 object 及其重要屬性啟用自動完成功能。



我能夠通過定義自定義 types.ps1xml 文件並使用與我的參數對應的<ScriptProperty>成員填充它來使其工作:





... Etc...

然后將[OutputType('VSYSFileOps.Object.FilePathComponents')]添加到我的 function 的開頭。 令人驚訝的是,雖然這似乎可行,但一些知識淵博的人告訴我,這是一個非常糟糕的主意,而不是 ps1xml 文件的用途。

我真的很想讓自動完成功能為此工作。 我怎樣才能做到這一點?


編輯:我正在使用帶有官方 PowerShell 擴展和 Powershell Pro Tools 的 VSCode。

If you want to go the custom class route, you can add a custom class as a type definition or by loading the class code in a script file/console:

# class definition
$class = @'
public class FilePathComponents
    public string ContainingFolder { get;set; }
    public string FileBaseName { get;set; }
    public string FileFullName { get;set; }
    public string FileExtension { get;set; }
    public string FullPathNoExtension { get;set; }
    public string CompletePath { get;set; }
    public string ParentFolder { get;set; }
# add class to PowerShell session
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $class
# define function
function Get-FilePathComponents {

    param (

    begin {}

    process {

        foreach ($P in $Path) {
            $obj = [FilePathComponents]::new()
            $obj.ContainingFolder     = Split-Path $P -Parent
            $obj.FileBaseName         = Split-Path $P -LeafBase
            $obj.FileFullName         = Split-Path $P -Leaf
            $obj.FileExtension        = Split-Path $P -Extension
            $obj.FullPathNoExtension  = [IO.Path]::Combine((Split-Path $P -Parent),(Split-Path $P -LeafBase))
            $obj.CompletePath         = $P
            $obj.ParentFolder         = Split-Path (Split-Path $P -Parent) -Parent

# call your function
$file = Get-FilePathComponents C:\temp\test1\a.csv
# use $file. to auto-populate the properties


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