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nextjs getServerSideProps vs API

[英]nextjs getServerSideProps vs API

我試圖了解 getServerSideProps 與僅在頁面組件內部使用 useSWR 之間的主要區別。 如果我在 getServerSideProps 中運行這樣的東西:

export const getServerSideProps = async () => {

  try {
    const palettes = []
    const docRef = query(collection(db, 'palettes'), orderBy('likes', 'desc'), limit(16))
    const docData = await getDocs(docRef)
    docData.forEach((doc) => {

    if (!docData) {
      return {
        props: {
          data: { error: 'Failed to load palettes. Please refresh the page.'}
    } else {
      return {
        props: {
          data: { palettes }

  } catch (e) {
    console.log('error:', e)


那么與僅使用 useSWR 或另一個 API 提取器有什么區別,例如:

export default function PaletteSlugs({ slug }) {
  const { data, error } = useSWR(`/api/palette/${slug}`, fetcher)
  return (


Simply, using getServerSideProps will get the API data by the node.js server side, while the HTML page will be completely populated by the node.js server side, so if you try to open the source code of the browser you will see all data already exist in the源代碼,這對SEO會更好



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