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Flutter Getx:谷歌登錄和 map 數據到 firebase 自動讓我以同一用戶身份登錄?

[英]Flutter Getx: google signin and map data to firebase automatically logs me back in as same user?

我正在嘗試使用 google 登錄並將數據映射到 firebase 用戶。 我正在使用getX。 到目前為止,這有效但是,如果我注銷然后嘗試重新登錄,它會自動將我重新登錄為同一用戶。 如果需要,我將發送我的登錄頁面和注銷按鈕所在的頁面的代碼,但我懷疑這可能與我在這里包含的 AuthController 有關

class AuthController extends GetxController {
  static AuthController instance = Get.find();
  GoogleSignIn googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn();
  Rxn<User> firebaseUser = Rxn<User>();
  Rxn<UserModel> firestoreUser = Rxn<UserModel>();
  final RxBool admin = false.obs;
  String usersCollection = "users";

  void onReady() async {
    //run every time auth state changes
    ever(firebaseUser, handleAuthChanged);

  handleAuthChanged(firebaseUser) async {
    //get user data from firestore
    if (firebaseUser?.uid != null) {
      print("You are logged in as ${firebaseUser.email}");
      await isAdmin();
    //this is for new users
    if (firebaseUser == null) {
      print('Send to signin');
    } else {

  // Firebase user one-time fetch
  Future<User> get getUser async => auth.currentUser!;

  // Firebase user a realtime stream
  Stream<User?> get user => auth.authStateChanges();

  //Streams the firestore user from the firestore collection
  Stream<UserModel> streamFirestoreUser() {

    return firebaseFirestore
        .map((snapshot) => UserModel.fromSnapshot(snapshot));

  //get the firestore user from the firestore collection
  Future<UserModel> getFirestoreUser() {
    return firebaseFirestore
        .then((documentSnapshot) => UserModel.fromSnapshot(documentSnapshot));

  //Method to handle user sign in using email and password

  // User registration using email and password
  googleLogin(BuildContext context) async {
    final GoogleSignInAccount? googleUser = await googleSignIn.signIn();
    if (googleUser != null) {
      final googleAuth = await googleUser.authentication;
      if (googleAuth.accessToken != null && googleAuth.idToken != null) {
        try {
          await auth
                idToken: googleAuth.idToken,
                accessToken: googleAuth.accessToken),
              .then((firebaseUser) async {
            print('uid: ' + firebaseUser.user!.uid.toString());
            print('email: ' + firebaseUser.user!.email.toString());

            //create the new user object from the login modelled data
            UserModel _newUser = UserModel(
              id: firebaseUser.user!.uid,
              email: firebaseUser.user!.email!,
              name: firebaseUser.user!.email!,
              photoURL: firebaseUser.user!.photoURL,
              cart: [],
            //create the user in firestore here with the _addUserToFirestore function
            _updateUserFirestore(_newUser, firebaseUser.user!);
        } on FirebaseAuthException catch (error) {
          Get.snackbar('auth.signUpErrorTitle'.tr, error.message!,
              snackPosition: SnackPosition.BOTTOM,
              duration: Duration(seconds: 10),
              backgroundColor: Get.theme.snackBarTheme.backgroundColor,
              colorText: Get.theme.snackBarTheme.actionTextColor);

  void _updateUserFirestore(UserModel user, User _firebaseUser) {

  updateUserData(Map<String, dynamic> data) {

  //check if user is an admin user
  isAdmin() async {
    await getUser.then((user) async {
      DocumentSnapshot adminRef =
          await firebaseFirestore.collection('admin').doc(user.uid).get();
      if (adminRef.exists) {
        admin.value = true;
      } else {
        admin.value = false;

  // This is the proper sign out method!
  Future<void> signOut() {
    return auth.signOut();

只需將這行代碼添加到您的注銷 function

> await googleSignIn.signOut()


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