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我從 API 返回了這個示例響應。 我正在使用 Lodash 的 _.groupBy 將數據轉換為分組的 output。 樣本響應就像

[英]I have this sample response returned from an API. I'm using Lodash's _.groupBy to convert the data to the grouped output. sample response is like

"airbill_pieces": 1,
"airbillnbr": 81061140,
"load_point": "IND",
"manifestnbr": 1907521,
"handled_pieces": 5,
"manifest_weight": 12548,
"airbill_pieces": 2,
"airbillnbr": 81061158,
"load_point": "IND",
"manifestnbr": 1907522,
"handled_pieces": 12,
"manifest_weight": 12368,


        "data": {
          "load_point": "IND",
          "airbill_pieces": "sum of all "handled_pieces" / sum of all "airbill_pieces",
          "manifest_weight": sum of "manifest_weight",
          "manifestnbr": 1907521,
        "children": [
            "data": {
              "airbillnbr": 81061140,
              "manifest_weight": 12548,
              "manifestnbr": 1907521,
              "airbill_pieces": 1,
            "data": {
              "airbillnbr": 81061158,
              "manifest_weight": 12368,
              "manifestnbr": 1907522,
              "airbill_pieces": 2

我正在使用下面的代碼來獲得所需的 output 但無法獲得確切的格式。 它將 load_point 分組為密鑰對值,但我需要 object 后跟“數據”密鑰。

let result = _.chain(outboundAirbills)
       .map( (currentItem) => {
           return _.object(_.zip(["data", "children"], currentItem));


這是 vanilla JS 中的一個版本,使用兩個簡單的助手, sum計算數字數組的總和, group將數組的項目分組為子數組,提供的 function 返回相同的值。 (就像 lodash's 或groupBy后跟values ,但 curried,更像 Ramda):

 const sum = (ns) => ns.reduce ((a, b) => a + b, 0) const group = (fn) => (xs) => Object.values ( xs.reduce ((a, x) => ((a [fn (x)] = (a [fn (x)] || []).concat (x)), a), {}) ) const restructure = (xs) => group (x => x.load_point) (xs).map (g => ({ data: { load_point: g [0].load_point, airbill_pieces: sum (g.map (x => x.handled_pieces)) / sum (g.map (x => x.airbill_pieces)), manifest_weight:sum (g.map (x => x.manifest_weight)), // manifestnbr: g [0].manifestnbr, }, children: g.map (({load_point, manifest_weight, manifestnbr, airbill_pieces}) => ({data: {load_point, manifest_weight, manifestnbr, airbill_pieces}}) ) })) const data = [{airbill_pieces: 1, airbillnbr: 81061140, load_point: "IND", manifestnbr: 1907521, handled_pieces: 5, manifest_weight: 12548, }, {airbill_pieces: 2, airbillnbr: 81061158, load_point: "IND", manifestnbr: 1907522, handled_pieces: 12, manifest_weight: 12368}] console.log (restructure (data))
 .as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100%;important: top: 0}


如果您確實想要第一個manifestnbr ,只需取消注釋相關行。 但它是冗余數據,因為您在第一個孩子中有它,而且它是不完整的數據,因為它忽略了第一個孩子之后的所有值; 不過,它可能對您的需求是必要的。

您絕對可以使用 lodash 的groupBy編寫此代碼,但這表明維護自己的工具集是多么容易。 (我是另一個工具集Ramda的主要作者。)請注意,如果您想要同時擁有groupBy (它返回一個 object 鍵控函數的結果)和group ,它只是將數組分組為子數組),你可以像這樣簡單地在groupBy上建立group

const groupBy = (fn) => (xs) => 
  xs .reduce ((a, x) => ((a [fn (x)] = (a [fn (x)] || []) .concat (x)), a), {})

const group = (fn) => (xs) => 
  Object .values (groupBy (fn) (xs))


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