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如何處理更新查詢的 where 子句中的多行 (BigQuery)

[英]How to handle multiple lines in a where clause for an update query (BigQuery)

我正在嘗試使用具有多行 where 子句的更新查詢。 它包含引號、空格和換行符。 反斜杠適用於反逗號,但不能處理子句中的空格和空行。 由於它是一個更新 where 子句,我將無法更改子句的結構,否則它將與現有值不匹配。

UPDATE dataset.datatable 
SET project = "something" 
WHERE identifier="The $1.90M adajdshsas ahsdsjahd adsad add adddadcxv ksdf sdfsd sdfsff.  

adjajasd by ahsdhasf kkjfdsg \"kasf the new uenf will\" ensure #maidsbd and surrounding communities will have greater access to #madaudafvys support and sajdahdj locally. 

The new centre was funded through the asdashdgad jsfjfsfuu kasahfa(hsf).  

Read more: asdgsa./asdga 

#hasdad #sadauyd 

asdahda, asdad\'s dshag, minadahdh"

我嘗試使用like 代替,但是列中的相似值太多。

UPDATE dataset.datatable 
SET project = "something" 
WHERE identifier LIKE "%The $1.90M%" AND identifier LIKE "%\"kasf the new uenf will\"%"



CREATE TEMP TABLE your_table as (
SELECT 1 id, "abc12345678" project, r"""The $1.90M adajdshsas ahsdsjahd adsad add adddadcxv ksdf sdfsd sdfsff.  

adjajasd by ahsdhasf kkjfdsg \"kasf the new uenf will\" ensure #maidsbd and surrounding communities will have greater access to #madaudafvys support and sajdahdj locally. 

The new centre was funded through the asdashdgad jsfjfsfuu kasahfa(hsf).  

Read more: asdgsa./asdga 

#hasdad #sadauyd 

asdahda, asdad\'s dshag, minadahdh""" identifier UNION ALL
SELECT 2, "xyz876543", "qwertyu"

UPDATE  your_table
SET project = "something" 
WHERE  identifier = r"""The $1.90M adajdshsas ahsdsjahd adsad add adddadcxv ksdf sdfsd sdfsff.  

adjajasd by ahsdhasf kkjfdsg \"kasf the new uenf will\" ensure #maidsbd and surrounding communities will have greater access to #madaudafvys support and sajdahdj locally. 

The new centre was funded through the asdashdgad jsfjfsfuu kasahfa(hsf).  

Read more: asdgsa./asdga 

#hasdad #sadauyd 

asdahda, asdad\'s dshag, minadahdh""" ;

select * from your_table;      

在上面的例子中 - your_table更新前是





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