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VBA - 根據 Excel 單元格值更改 MS Word 字體樣式

[英]VBA - Change MS Word Font Style Based on Excel Cell Values

我想根據 Excel 單元格值自動更改文檔的字體類型和大小。 例如,如果我在 B3 單元格中輸入“Times New Roman”,在 B4 單元格中輸入 12,那么文檔應該使用這些 styles 格式化。 但是,當我運行我的宏時,它會忽略我的變量,我不知道為什么。 下面是我的代碼:

Sub FormatWholeAsDefaultFont()
    Dim mySpreadsheet As Excel.Workbook
    Dim strFont As String, strRange As String
    Dim sngFontSize As Single, sngTopMargin As Single, _
        sngBottomMargin As Single, sngLeftMargin As Single, _
        sngRightMargin As Single
    Set mySpreadsheet = _
           GetObject("C:\Files\Data\Excel\Document Timesheet.xlsm")
    strFont = mySpreadsheet.Application.Workbooks("Document Timesheet.xlsm") _
            .Sheets("Document Agreement").Range("B2").Value
    sngFontSize = mySpreadsheet.Application.Workbooks("Document Timesheet.xlsm") _
            .Sheets("Document Agreement").Range("B3").Value
    sngLeftMargin = mySpreadsheet.Application.Workbooks("Document Timesheet.xlsm") _
            .Sheets("Document Agreement").Range("B5").Value
    sngRightMargin = mySpreadsheet.Application.Workbooks("Document Timesheet.xlsm") _
            .Sheets("Document Agreement").Range("B6").Value
    sngTopMargin = mySpreadsheet.Application.Workbooks("Document Timesheet.xlsm") _
            .Sheets("Document Agreement").Range("B7").Value
    sngBottomMargin = mySpreadsheet.Application.Workbooks("Document Timesheet.xlsm") _
            .Sheets("Document Agreement").Range("B8").Value
    strRange = mySpreadsheet.Application.Workbooks("Document Timesheet.xlsm") _
            .Sheets("Document Agreement").Range("B9").Value
    'strFont = CStr(strFont)
    With ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font
        .Name = strFont
        .Size = sngFontSize
        .Italic = False
        .Underline = wdUnderlineNone
        .UnderlineColor = wdColorAutomatic
        .StrikeThrough = False
        .DoubleStrikeThrough = False
        .Outline = False
        .Emboss = False
        .Shadow = False
        .Hidden = False
        .SmallCaps = False
        .AllCaps = False
        .Engrave = False
        .Superscript = False
        .Subscript = False
        .Spacing = 0
        .Scaling = 100
        .Position = 0
        .Kerning = 11
        .Animation = wdAnimationNone
        .Ligatures = wdLigaturesNone
        .NumberSpacing = wdNumberSpacingDefault
        .NumberForm = wdNumberFormDefault
        .StylisticSet = wdStylisticSetDefault
        .ContextualAlternates = 0
    End With
End Sub

您的例程中有很多不必要的代碼。 下面是簡化版。

Sub FormatWholeAsDefaultFont()
    Dim mySpreadsheet As Excel.Workbook
    Dim strFont As String, strRange As String
    Dim sngFontSize As Single, sngTopMargin As Single, _
        sngBottomMargin As Single, sngLeftMargin As Single, _
        sngRightMargin As Single
    Set mySpreadsheet = _
        GetObject("C:\Files\Data\Excel\Document Timesheet.xlsm")
    With mySpreadsheet.Sheets("Document Agreement")
        strFont = .Range("B2").Value
        sngFontSize = .Range("B3").Value
        sngLeftMargin = .Range("B5").Value
        sngRightMargin = .Range("B6").Value
        sngTopMargin = .Range("B7").Value
        sngBottomMargin = .Range("B8").Value
        strRange = .Range("B9").Value
    End With
    With ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font
        .Name = strFont
        .Size = sngFontSize
    End With
End Sub


Since Word 2007 it has been necessary to set the document's default font in the Set Defaults tab of the Manage Styles dialog, accessed from a button at the bottom of the Styles pane or by typing Dialogs(wdDialogStyleManagement).Show into the Immediate Window. 正常樣式與這些文檔默認值匹配對於表 Styles 的正確工作至關重要。

但是,無法使用 VBA 設置文檔默認值。

Sub FormatWholeAsDefaultFont() Dim mySpreadsheet As Excel.Workbook Dim strFont As String, strRange As String Dim sngFontSize As Single, sngTopMargin As Single, _ sngBottomMargin As Single, sngLeftMargin As Single, _ sngRightMargin As Single 設置 mySpreadsheet(文件\數據\Excel\Document Timesheet.xlsm")

With mySpreadsheet.Sheets("Document Agreement")
    strFont = .Range("B2").Value
    sngFontSize = .Range("B3").Value
    sngLeftMargin = .Range("B5").Value
    sngRightMargin = .Range("B6").Value
    sngTopMargin = .Range("B7").Value
    sngBottomMargin = .Range("B8").Value
    strRange = .Range("B9").Value
End With

Selection.Font.Name = strFont
Selection.Font.Size = sngFontSize

With ActiveDocument.Styles(wdStyleNormal).Font
    .Name = strFont
    .Size = sngFontSize
End With



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