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如果不在 csv 中,則從多個團隊中刪除多個用戶

[英]Remove multiple users from multiple Teams if NOT in csv

我有一個腳本,可將用戶從 a.csv 添加到 Teams,但在創建后的前幾周可能需要考慮添加/刪除。

# Read team users from CSV file
$TeamUsers = Import-CSV "File_Path"
$i = 0

# Group the objects by their TeamDesc property, so we only query each group once
$TeamUsers | Group-Object TeamDesc | ForEach-Object {
    # Get the GroupId of this Group
    $groupId = (Get-Team -DisplayName $_.Name).GroupId
  # If the Group couldn't be found, just skip below logic
    if(-not $groupId) { return }
  # If the Group could be found, create a hashtable for future splatting
    $params = @{ GroupId = $groupId }
    # now we can enumerate each object in each group of objects
    foreach($user in $_.Group) {
        try {
            # create a hashtable for splatting progress
            $progress = @{
                PercentComplete = $i++ / $TeamUsers.Count * 100
                Activity        = 'Adding Users to MS Teams!!'
                Status          = 'Working on Team: "{0}" and User: "{1}"' -f $_.Name, $user.UserPrincipleName
            Write-Progress @progress

            # add this user with this role to the hashtable
            $params['User'] = $user.UserPrincipleName
            $params['Role'] = $user.Role
            Add-TeamUser @params
        catch {
            ('Error occurred for {0} - {1}' -f $user.TeamName, $user.UserPrincipleName),
            $_.ToString() | Write-Warning

目前,我可以通過將用戶信息添加到.csv 來將用戶添加到團隊,但如果在文件中找不到用戶,我希望能夠刪除用戶。 我在另一個答案中發現了這個選擇:

    $validUsers   = Import-Csv 'C:\path\to\your.csv' | Select-Object -Expand dn

    $invalidUsers = Get-ADGroupMember 'groupname' |
            Where-Object { $validUsers -notcontains $_.distinguishedName }

    Remove-ADGroupMember 'groupname' $invalidUsers -WhatIf

我不確定包含此內容的最佳方式。 在我當前的腳本中,我可以從填充的團隊中檢查和刪除 a.csv 中未找到的用戶?


[array]$teams = "T1","T2","T3"
$users = gc C:\temp\UserList.txt

foreach ($user in $users) {
    $user = ($user -split "@")[0] # SamAccountName from UPN
    foreach($t in $teams) {
        $tMems = Get-AdGroupMember $t |select -exp SamAccountName
        if ($tMems -match $user) {
            RemoveAdGroupMember $t $user


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