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是否可以為 httpsCallable 函數指定輸入和返回類型?

[英]Is it possible to specify input and return types for httpsCallable functions?

我在應用程序中使用可調用的 function 來更新用戶聲明。 firebase 函數在 Typescript 中,並且有一個接口來描述 function 所需的數據形狀。

我想在客戶端做同樣的事情,這樣團隊中的任何開發人員都可以快速找出對雲 function 的要求,而無需查看函數目錄中的代碼。


// This is the required data, that I would like to specify client side
interface GivePermissionsParams {
  uid: string;
  email: string;
  newClaim: Partial<Permissions>;

 * Callable function to give a user new permissions in the form
 * of custom claims and firestore properties
exports.givePermission = functions.https.onCall(
  async (data: GivePermissionsParams, context) => {
    if (!context.auth?.token.admin) {
      throw new HttpsError(
        `Non admin user ${context.auth?.uid} attempted to update permissions`
    return grantPermission(data.uid, data.newClaim).then(() => {
      log(`Successfully updated permissions for ${data.email}`);
      return {
        result: `Successfully updated permissions for ${data.email}`,


// firebase.ts

// I would like to specify the function param and return types here.
// eg: httpsCallable<myParamsType, myReturnType>
export const givePermission = httpsCallable(functions, 'givePermission');
// in my reactComponent.tsx

  const changePermission = async (permission: string, value: boolean) => {

    // This payload should match the GivePermissionsParams type as defined in the functions index.ts file. 
    const functionParams = {
      uid: user.uid,
      email: user.email,
      newClaim: {[permission]: value}

    const functionRes = await givePermission(functionParams);

看來解決方案就是您正在嘗試做的事情。 您可以為請求數據和響應指定類型,如下所示:

interface ReqInterface {
  uid: string;
  email: string;
  newClaim: Partial<Permissions>;

interface ResInterface {
  result: string;

const givePermission = httpsCallable<ReqInterface, ResInterface>(functions, 'givePermission')

const { data } = await givePermission({ url })
// data is ResInterface


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