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我想將“KEY”和“textValue”的數據存儲為 json 並將其作為 node.js 中的響應發送給 app.get("/api", (req, res)

[英]I want to store the data of "KEY" & "textValue" as a json and send it as response in node.js for app.get("/api", (req, res)

我正在使用 node.js 和 react.js 處理 GCP Document AI,在給定的代碼中,我創建了 json 結構( var jsonResult ),然后在 for 循環中,只有當我執行console.log(鑰匙); console.log(textValue); 但我想將所有這些數據存儲為json然后我想使用 node.js 片段res.json(JSON.stringify(jsonResult));發送json作為響應


 var jsonResult = [{
           key:" ",
           value:" "

console.log('Document processing complete.');

const {document} = result;
for (let i=0;i<document.entities.length;i++)
  var key = document.entities[i].type;
  var textValue = document.entities[i].textAnchor !== null ? document.entities[i].textAnchor.content : '';

  // console.log(key);
  // console.log(textValue);

  jsonResult[i].key = key;
  jsonResult[i].textValue = textValue;
const data = result.document.entities;
let jsonArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
  let key = data[i]?.type;
  let value = !data[i]?.textAnchor ? data[i]?.textAnchor?.content : '';

  if (key && value)
    jsonArray.push({key: key, textValue: value });



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