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如何干掉這段代碼(if else 語句)

[英]How to DRY up this code (if else statement)

讓這段代碼更干的最好方法是什么? 我正在考慮在 currentRoom.id 相同的地方嵌套 if 語句,或者只是通過添加 || 來壓縮它條件內的部分。 但我不確定這些解決方案是否使代碼更整潔。


if(direction === 'east' && player.currentRoom.id === 1) {
          roomNum = '3';
        } else if (direction ==='east' && player.currentRoom.id === 4) {
          roomNum = '1';
        } else if (direction === 'west' && player.currentRoom.id === 1) {
          roomNum = '4';
        } else if (direction === 'west' && player.currentRoom.id === 3) {
          roomNum = '1';
        } else if (direction === 'north' && player.currentRoom.id === 5) {
          roomNum = '1';
        } else if (direction === 'north' && player.currentRoom.id === 1) {
          roomNum = '2';
        } else if (direction === 'south' && player.currentRoom.id === 1) {
          roomNum = '5';
        } else if (direction === 'south' && player.currentRoom.id === 2) {
          roomNum = '1';

房間的數組為 arrays 意味着您只需添加/減去當前的 X 或 Y 坐標。 就像是:

 const rooms = [ [0, 2,0], [4, 1, 3], [0, 5, 0], ]; let horizIndex = 1; let vertIndex = 1; console.log(rooms[vertIndex][horizIndex]); const changeRoom = (x, y) => { if (rooms[vertIndex + y][horizIndex + x]) { horizIndex = horizIndex + x; vertIndex = vertIndex + y; console.log('entered', rooms[vertIndex][horizIndex]); } else { console.log('Invalid room'); } }; const direction = 'south'; if (direction === 'south') { changeRoom(0, 1); } else if (direction === 'north') { changeRoom(0, -1); } else if (direction === 'east') { changeRoom(1, 0); } else if (direction === 'west') { changeRoom(-1, 0); }


for (const [dir, id, num] of [
  ['east',  1, '3'],
  ['east',  4, '1'],
  ['west',  1, '4'],
  ['west',  3, '1'],
  ['north', 5, '1'],
  ['north', 1, '2'],
  ['south', 1, '5'],
  ['south', 2, '1'],
]) {
  if (direction === dir && player.currentRoom.id === id) {
    roomNum = num;


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