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如何創建組合多個模板的 Angular 指令?

[英]How to create an Angular directive that combines multiple templates?

我正在嘗試創建一個自定義指令,允許我從 json / ts object 讀取模板並將其插入我的指令模板中。

例如,在配置文件/數據庫/ts 文件中,我有:

  text: '<p>Many of our tools ...AD Groups:</p><AD_GROUPS id="AD_GROUPS"></AD_GROUPS><p>To request access, ...',
} // truncated and wrapped for readability

我想從配置文件中獲取文本 (html),將<AD_GROUPS>標記替換為程序員傳入的模板,並將其呈現到頁面。 該指令是這樣使用的:

<div *appAdGroupText="cfg">
    <mat-list-item *ngFor="let group of cfg.AD_GROUPS">{{group}}</mat-list-item>


@Directive({selector: '[appAdGroupText]'})
export class AdGroupTextDirective implements OnChanges {

  _config: ConfigurationItemModel | undefined;

    private templateRef: TemplateRef<unknown>,
    private vcr: ViewContainerRef,
    private renderer: Renderer2
    // private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver
  ) {

  @Input() set appAdGroupText(cfg: ConfigurationItemModel) {
    this._config = cfg;

  render() {
    const cfg = this._config; // config is set in a set method. This has the correct value
    const groupListDivElement: HTMLDivElement = this.renderer.createElement('my-group-text'); // creates a 'parent' element
    groupListDivElement.innerHTML = cfg.text; // set the inner html to the config text
    const adListDivRef = this.templateRef.createEmbeddedView(null); // create an unattached version of the template

    // loop through, and replace the "AD_GROUPS" custom tag with the generated template
    groupListDivElement.childNodes.forEach(n => {
    if (n.nodeName === 'AD_GROUPS') {
      n.replaceWith(adListDivRef.rootNodes[0]); // this is incorrect. I only get the root node, rather than the entire node with its children
    // arguably, the above could be replaced with an Array.from(...) find / replace
    console.log(groupListDivElement); // SEE HTML OUTPUT
    // How do I render groupListDivElement in the VCR / renderer???

      // this works will put the mat-list ONLYin:
      // let view = this.templateRef.createEmbeddedView(null);
      // this.vcr.insert(view);

console.log生成 HTML :

<my-group-text _ngcontent-hwh-c107="">
<p>Many of our tools are restricted to specific groups in Active Directory. In order to access the required tools, you will need access to the following AD Groups:</p>
<div _ngcontent-hwh-c107="">
   <mat-list _ngcontent-hwh-c107="" class="mat-list mat-list-base">
   To request access, <a href="https://access" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">click here</a> and fill out the form with the following information:
<p>You will need to create a ticket for each of the above groups listed.</p>


  1. 如何將adListDivRef附加到正確的父級? 我想我可以這樣訪問父節點: this.renderer.parentNode(this.vcr.element.nativeElement)
  2. mat-list似乎沒有從我嵌入的*ngFor中找到列表項。 我怎么得到它? 我在想也許我的指令首先被調用而下一個沒有被調用?

代碼最少的 Stackblitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-zv16cn


  1. 將生成ag-group-text元素放入頁面

  2. 將適當的context傳遞到動態生成的模板中

    const adListDivRef: EmbeddedViewRef<any> = this.vcr.createEmbeddedView(this.templateRef, { cfg });

注意:使用ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedTemplate(templateRef)確保您無需擔心渲染模板中的變化檢測,因為變化檢測器成為 Angular 變化檢測樹的一部分。 如果是templateRef.create你必須自己處理變化檢測

分叉的 Stackblitz


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