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firebaseappcheck.googleapis exchangeDeviceCheckToken 錯誤 400,消息為“App not registered”,狀態為 FAILED_PRECONDITION

[英]firebaseappcheck.googleapis exchangeDeviceCheckToken error 400 with message "App not registered" and status FAILED_PRECONDITION

我在 XCode 14.0 上運行我的應用程序。 該應用程序運行但出現錯誤:

2022-10-28 17:55:47.5832 xxx34-0400 x[14690:980363] 8.14.0 - [Firebase/Firestore][I-FST000001] AppCheck failed: 'The operation couldn’t be completed. Too many attempts. Underlying error: The operation couldn’t be completed. The server responded with an error: 
 - URL: https://firebaseappcheck.googleapis.com/v1beta/projects/xxxxx/apps/xxxxxx:ios:xxxxx:exchangeDeviceCheckToken 
 - HTTP status code: 400 
 - Response body: {
  "error": {
    "code": 400,
    "message": "App not registered: xxxx:ios:xxxxx.",

該應用程序已在 Firebase 控制台的應用程序檢查中注冊。 我重新下載了我的 GoogleService-Info。 還是不行。 有任何想法嗎?

您是否在 Apple Developer 上啟用了 DeviceCheck?

  • DeviceCheck 密鑰: https ://developer.apple.com/account/resources/authkeys/list

並將密鑰上傳到 Firebase 控制台,

對於 AppAttest,您需要將其添加到 Identifier 上的 capability

  • App Attest 標識符: https ://developer.apple.com/account/resources/identifiers/list

然后將它添加到 Xcode 項目中。 (參考: 無法在 XCode 中找到 App Attest Capability

(如果您在Identifier上啟用 App Attest,現有profiles將失效) https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/profiles/list


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