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[英]NameError: name 'Class_Name' is not defined

我有一個問題,就是我不斷收到 NameError 的錯誤:未定義名稱“Class_Name”。 我明白了。 棘手的部分是我的代碼看起來像這樣:

class FirstClass():
  second_class: SecondClass
  def __init__(self):
      """SOME CODE HERE"""

class SecondClass(firsClass: FirstClass):
  def __init__(self):
      self.first_class = firstClass

所以問題是,無論我如何安排代碼,我總會有一個在另一個上面,所以它總是說沒有定義。 我該如何解決這個問題?

----------------------解決方案------------------------ ---

我找到了解決方案。 如果你使用導入

from __future__ import annotations


from pprint import pp

class FirstClass():

  #for typing, if you want to indicate a class variable
  second_class: type["SecondClass"]

  #for typing, if you want to indicate an instance variable
  second_class_instance: "SecondClass"

  def __init__(self):
      """SOME CODE HERE"""

      self.second_class_instance = self.second_class()

#this looks off in the inheritance declaration - dont specify types here
#class SecondClass(firsClass: FirstClass):

class SecondClass(FirstClass):
  def __init__(self):
      #this code will error, watch your cases!
      #self.first_class = firstClass

#for doing something with the second_class attribute, later in the runtime
#however, no tricks with "SecondClass" quoting allowed, you need
#to wait till both FirstClass and SecondClass EXIST, which is why 
#this line is here, with this indentation
FirstClass.second_class = SecondClass

first = FirstClass()

這樣做是個好主意嗎? 可能不是,但可能有特殊的理由來跟蹤second_class class 引用,比如調用 class 構造函數而不在 FirstClass 方法中對 SecondClass 進行硬編碼。

而且,在這個方案中,我更不相信擁有 SecondClass 子類 FirstClass,但是......


% py test_429_declare.py
<__main__.FirstClass object at 0x10841f220>
{'second_class_instance': <__main__.SecondClass object at 0x10841f250>}


% mypy test_429_declare.py
Success: no issues found in 1 source file


如果我們使用 import from __future__ import annotations它將讀取文件並且不會有那個問題,所以我們可以按照我們想要的順序引用不同的東西。 舉個例子:

class FirstClass():
  second_class: SecondClass
  def __init__(self):
      """SOME CODE HERE"""

class SecondClass(firsClass: FirstClass):
  def __init__(self):
      self.first_class = firstClass


from __future__ import annotations

class FirstClass():
  second_class: SecondClass
  def __init__(self):
      """SOME CODE HERE"""

class SecondClass(firsClass: FirstClass):
  def __init__(self):
      self.first_class = firstClass

您可以在 python 文檔中找到更多詳細信息: https://docs.python.org/3/library/__future__.html


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