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需要幫助弄清楚為什么從 mongoose 模式調用方法在我的 node.js 應用程序的一部分工作正常,但在其他地方失敗

[英]Need help figuring out why calling methods from a mongoose schema works fine in one part of my node.js app, but fails elsewhere

我創建了以下用戶模式,包括兩種方法:getSnapshot() getLastTweetId()


    const mongoose = require('mongoose')
    const getLastTweetId = require('../utilities/getLastTweetId')
    const getFollowers = require('../utilities/getFollowers')
    const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
        twitterId: {
            type: String,
            required: true
        screenName: {
            type: String    
        snapshots: {
          type: [snapshotSchema],
          default: []
        createdAt: {
            type: Date
    userSchema.method('getSnapshot', async function () {
      const { user, snapshot } = await getFollowers({user: this})
      await user.save()
      return snapshot
    userSchema.method('getLastTweetId', async function () {
      const tweetId = await getLastTweetId({user: this})
      return tweetId
    const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema)
    module.exports = User

當我在 passport.js 中定義一個用戶實例時,我可以毫無問題地對用戶調用 getSnapshot()。 (見下文)


    const passport = require('passport')
    const mongoose = require('mongoose')
    const needle = require('needle')
    const { DateTime } = require('luxon')
    const User = mongoose.model('User')
    // Setup Twitter Strategy
    passport.use(new TwitterStrategy({
        consumerKey: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_API_KEY,
        consumerSecret: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_API_SECRET_KEY,
        callbackURL: process.env.CALLBACK_URL,
        proxy: trustProxy
      async (token, tokenSecret, profile, cb) => {
        const twitterId = profile.id
        const screenName = profile.screen_name
        const existingUser = await User.findOne({ twitterId })
        if (existingUser) {
          // Track if this is a new login from an existing user
          if (existingUser.screenName !== screenName) {
              existingUser.screenName = screenName
              await existingUser.save()
          // we already have a record with the given profile ID
          cb(undefined, existingUser)
        } else {
          // we don't have a user record with this ID, make a new record
          const user = await new User ({
            twitterId ,
          cb(undefined, user)

但是,當我在 tweet.js 中的用戶實例上調用 getLastTweetId() 時,我在終端中收到以下錯誤: TypeError: user.getLastTweetId is not a function



    const express = require('express')
    const mongoose = require('mongoose')
    const User = mongoose.model('User')
    const Tweet = mongoose.model('Tweet')
    const { DateTime } = require('luxon')
    const auth = require('../middleware/auth')
    const requestTweets = require('../utilities/requestTweets')
    const router = new express.Router()
    const getRecentTweets = async (req, res) => {
        const twitterId = req.user.twitterId
        const user = await User.find({twitterId})
        *const sinceId = user.getLastTweetId()*
        let params = {
          'start_time': `${DateTime.now().plus({ month: -2 }).toISO({ includeOffset: false })}Z`,
          'end_time': `${DateTime.now().toISO({ includeOffset: false })}Z`,
          'max_results': 100,
          'tweet.fields': "created_at,entities"
        if (sinceId) {
         params.since_id = sinceId
        let options = {
          headers: {
            'Authorization': `Bearer ${process.env.TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN}`
        const content = await requestTweets(twitterId, params, options)
        const data = content.data
        const tweets = data.map((tweet) => (
          new Tweet({
            tweetId: tweet.id,
            text: tweet.text,
        tweets.forEach(async (tweet) => await tweet.save())
    // Get all tweets of one user either since last retrieved tweet or for specified month
    router.get('/tweets/user/recent', auth, getRecentTweets)
    module.exports = router

我真的很感激一些支持來弄清楚這里發生了什么。 謝謝你的包容!

我的第一個猜測是用戶實例沒有在 tweets.js 中正確創建,但后來我通過日志消息驗證用戶實例是我期望它在 passport.js 和 tweets.js 中的


接下來,我開始檢查問題是否與實例化架構本身或只是導入它有關,它似乎是后者,因為當我在 passport.js 中調用 getLastTweetId 時它也有效,當我在 tweets.js 中調用 getSnapshot() 時它也失敗了。

這就是我卡住的地方,因為據我所知,我在兩個文件中要求用戶 model 的方式完全相同。

即使當我在任一文件中打印 User.schema.methods 時,它也會顯示以下內容:

[0] {
[0] getSnapshot: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
[0] getLastTweetId: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)]
[0] }


   const user = await User.find({twitterId})



   const user = await User.findOne({twitterId})

一開始我沒有檢測到這個錯誤,因為記錄一個只包含一個 object 的數組看起來幾乎和記錄 object 本身一樣,我只是忽略了方括號。



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