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如何使 Jetpack Compose 主題可定制?

[英]How to make Jetpack Compose theme customizable?

我正在使用 Jetpack Compose 開發一個設計系統,我有很多組件都使用我的主題來訪問 colors、排版和尺寸。 現在我正在研究允許定制的可能性。 例如,覆蓋顏色會導致每個組件發生變化。

到目前為止,我嘗試將參數添加到有趣的 MyTheme 中,我已經通過這種方法取得了一些成功,但問題是任何開發人員都可以像這樣隨時修改主題。 我希望它只能定制一次,比如 singleton。有什么想法或建議嗎?


private val LightColorPalette = LightColors()
private val DarkColorPalette = DarkColors()

private val LocalColors = compositionLocalOf<MyColors> {
    error("No typography provided! Make sure to wrap all usages of this components in a MyTheme.")

private val LocalTypography = compositionLocalOf<MyTypography> {
    error("No typography provided! Make sure to wrap all usages of this components in a MyTheme.")

private val LocalDimensions = staticCompositionLocalOf { MyDimensions() }

fun MyTheme(
    darkTheme: Boolean = isSystemInDarkTheme(),
    colors: MyColors = if (darkTheme) DarkColorPalette else LightColorPalette,
    typography: MyTypography = getTypography(LocalConfiguration.current),
    dimensions: MyDimensions = getDimensions(LocalConfiguration.current),
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val shapes = MaterialShapes

        LocalTypography provides typography,
        LocalColors provides colors,
        LocalDimensions provides dimensions,
    ) {
            colors = debugColors(darkTheme),
            content = content,
            shapes = shapes

我設法通過公開所有CompositionLocal變量來實現這一點。 有了這個,任何使用CompositionLocalProvider覆蓋此變量的新主題都將在其下使用此新值的可組合項。

fun SecondaryTheme(
    content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
    val configuration = LocalConfiguration.current

    val colors = SecondaryColors()
    val typography = getDefaultTypography(configuration)
    val dimensions = getDefaultDimensions(configuration)
    val shapes = MaterialShapes

        LocalTypography provides typography,
        LocalColors provides colors,
        LocalDimensions provides dimensions,
    ) {
            colors = materialColors(darkTheme),
            content = content,
            shapes = shapes



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