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Typescript 將static方法添加到一個方法中

[英]Typescript add static method to a method

我定義了一個包裝 fetch 的方法,以便自動處理某些邊緣情況並提供統一響應 class 警報系統。 我不想自動將響應解析為 json(該平台不僅會請求 JSON)並想出了添加到獲取方法的原型 a.json 調用以自動解析和強制 promise 的想法,但發現我調用 integratedFetch.json(//etc) 時無法使用原型。 是否可以添加這樣的 static 方法?


const integratedFetch: (
    input: RequestInfo,
    init?: RequestInit | undefined,
    options?: Partial<IntegratedFetchOptions>
) => Promise<Response> = (input, init, options) => {
    return fetch(input, init).then(async (response) => {
        const { status } = response;
        const responseClass = getResponseClass(response);
        if (responseClass) {
            switch (Number(responseClass) as ResponseClass) {
                case ResponseClass.Informational:
                case ResponseClass.Successful:
                    throw Error(`Response class ${responseClass} unrecognized`);
        return Promise.resolve(response);
integratedFetch.prototype.json = <T>(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined, options?: Partial<IntegratedFetchOptions>) =>
    integratedFetch(input, init, options).then((response) => response.json() as Promise<T>);


integratedFetch(//request).then(r => r.json() as Promise<T>)

當前的問題是使用integratedFetch.json()會給出錯誤“類型上不存在屬性‘json’(輸入:RequestInfo,init?:RequestInit | undefined,options?:Partial | undefined)=> Promise <.. .>'.ts(2339)"

只需將第二個 function 分配給第一個 function 的新屬性。Typescript 會跟蹤它。 無需調整prototype

const foo = () => 123
foo.bar = () => 'hello'

foo() // 123
foo.bar() // "hello"


事實證明必須在這里對 typedef 更有創意......

type FetchParams = (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined, options?: Partial<IntegratedFetchOptions>) => Promise<Response>;
type StaticParams = <T>(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined, options?: Partial<IntegratedFetchOptions>) => Promise<T>;

//Create an aggregate typedef which allows for the static methods on the object definition
type IntegratedFetch = FetchParams & { json: StaticParams };

const integratedFetch: IntegratedFetch = (input, init, options) => { //the previous implementation

integratedFetch.json = <T>(input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit | undefined, options?: Partial<IntegratedFetchOptions>) =>
    integratedFetch(input, init, options).then((response) => response.json() as Promise<T>);

這避免了 TS2339 錯誤,並允許我使用分配給 function 定義的 static 方法!


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