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我不明白為什么這個 MPI 代碼中的 while 循環沒有中斷

[英]I can't figure out why the while loop in this MPI code doesn't break

我正在使用 mpi4py 進行並行化練習,其中 2 個骰子被拋出定義的次數(除以進程,即npp )並計算點數。 結果存儲在字典中,計算平均偏差,直到mean_dev小於 0.001 的條件下,拋出次數加倍。

所有這一切都按預期工作,問題是代碼沒有退出。 條件滿足,沒有更多輸出,但代碼掛起。

from ctypes.wintypes import SIZE
from dice import * #This is just a class that creates the dictionaries 
from random import randint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from math import sqrt

def simulation(f_events, f_sides, f_n_dice):
    f_X = dice(sides, n_dice).myDice() #Nested dictionary composed of dices (last dict stores the sum)
    for j in range(f_events): #for loop to handle all the dice throwings aka events
        n = [] #List to store index respective to number on each dice
        for i in range(1, f_n_dice+1): #for cycle for each dice
            k = randint(1, f_sides) #Random number
            f_X[i][k] += 1 #The index (k) related to each throw is increased for the dice (i)
        sum_throw = sum(n) #Sum of the last throw
        f_X[f_n_dice+1][sum_throw] += 1 #Sum dictionary "increases" the index respective to the sum of the last throw
    return f_X

npp = int(4)//4 #Number of events divided by the number of processes
sides = 6 #Number of sides per dice
n_dice = 2 #Number of dices

comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD #Communicator to handle point-to-point communication
rank = comm.Get_rank() #Hierarchy of processes
size = comm.Get_size() #Number of processes

#-------------------- Parallelization portion of the code --------------------#

seq = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
AUX = dict.fromkeys(seq, 0)
mean_dev = 1
while True:
    msg = comm.bcast(npp, root = 0)
    print("---> msg: ", msg, " for rank ", rank)
    print("The mean dev for %d" %rank + " is: ", mean_dev)

    D = simulation(npp, sides, n_dice)
    Dp = comm.gather(D, root = 0)
    print("This is Dp: ", Dp)
    summ = 0
    prob = [1/36, 2/36, 3/36, 4/36, 5/36, 6/36, 5/36, 4/36, 3/36, 2/36, 1/36]

    if rank==0:
        for p in range(0, size): 
                for n in range(dice().min, dice().max+1): #Range from minimum sum possible to the maximum sum possible depending on the number of dices used
                    AUX[n] += Dp[p][n_dice+1][n] #Adds the new data to the final sum dictionary 
                                                                #of the previously initiated nested dictionary
        print("The final dictionary is: ", AUX, sum(AUX[j] for j in AUX))

        for i in range(dice().min, dice().max+1):
            exp = (prob[i-2])*(sum(AUX[j] for j in AUX))
            x = (AUX[i]-exp)/exp
            summ = summ + pow(x, 2)

        mean_dev = (1/11)*sqrt(summ)
        print("The deviation for {} is {}.".format(sum(AUX[j] for j in AUX), mean_dev))

    if mean_dev > 0.001:
        npp = 2*npp
        # new_msg = comm.bcast(npp, root = 0)
        # print("---> new_msg: ", new_msg, " for rank ", rank)

我被這個難住了。 在此先感謝您的任何輸入!

帶有@victor-eijkhout 提出的解決方案的新代碼:

from ctypes.wintypes import SIZE
from dice import *
from random import randint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from math import sqrt

def simulation(f_events, f_sides, f_n_dice):
    f_X = dice(sides, n_dice).myDice() #Nested dictionary composed of dices (last dict stores the sum)
    for j in range(f_events): #for loop to handle all the dice throwings aka events
        n = [] #List to store index respective to number on each dice
        for i in range(1, f_n_dice+1): #for cycle for each dice
            k = randint(1, f_sides) #Random number
            f_X[i][k] += 1 #The index (k) related to each throw is increased for the dice (i)
        sum_throw = sum(n) #Sum of the last throw
        f_X[f_n_dice+1][sum_throw] += 1 #Sum dictionary "increases" the index respective to the sum of the last throw
    return f_X

npp = int(4)//4 #Number of events divided by the number of processes
sides = 6 #Number of sides per dice
n_dice = 2 #Number of dices

comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD #Communicator to handle point-to-point communication
rank = comm.Get_rank() #Hierarchy of processes
size = comm.Get_size() #Number of processes

#-------------------- Parallelization portion of the code --------------------#

seq = (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
AUX = dict.fromkeys(seq, 0)
mean_dev = 1
while True:
    msg = comm.bcast(npp, root = 0)
    #print("---> msg: ", msg, " for rank ", rank)
    D = simulation(npp, sides, n_dice)
    Dp = comm.gather(D, root = 0)
    #if Dp != None: print("This is Dp: ", Dp)

    #print("The mean dev for %d" %rank + " is: ", mean_dev)

    if rank==0:
        summ = 0
        prob = [1/36, 2/36, 3/36, 4/36, 5/36, 6/36, 5/36, 4/36, 3/36, 2/36, 1/36]

        for p in range(0, size): 
                for n in range(dice().min, dice().max+1): #Range from minimum sum possible to the maximum sum possible depending on the number of dices used
                    AUX[n] += Dp[p][n_dice+1][n] #Adds the new data to the final sum dictionary 
                                                                #of the previously initiated nested dictionary
        print("The final dictionary is: ", AUX, sum(AUX[j] for j in AUX))

        for i in range(dice().min, dice().max+1):
            exp = (prob[i-2])*(sum(AUX[j] for j in AUX))
            x = (AUX[i]-exp)/exp
            summ = summ + pow(x, 2)

        mean_dev = (1/11)*sqrt(summ)
        print("The deviation for {} is {}.".format(sum(AUX[j] for j in AUX), mean_dev))

    #new_mean_dev = comm.gather(mean_dev, root = 0)
    new_mean_dev = comm.bcast(mean_dev, root = 0)
    print("---> msg2: ", new_mean_dev, " for rank ", rank)

    if new_mean_dev < 0.001:
        # new_msg = comm.bcast(npp, root = 0)
        # print("---> new_msg: ", new_msg, " for rank ", rank)
        npp = 2*npp
        print("The new npp is: ", npp)

您僅在過程零上計算平均偏差,因此該過程將退出。 但是,其他進程沒有獲得該值,因此它們永遠不會退出。 您應該在計算后廣播該值。

你正在打破你的 if 聲明。 只需將 while True:替換為while mean_dev > 0.001:就可以了。 您也可以只在最后做一個賦值,而不是將它包裝在if中。

如果這不起作用,則意味着mean_dev始終大於 0.001。 您將mean_dev計算為(1/11)*sqrt(sum …) 不是整個算法下,如果2個骰子的和最小為2,那么mean_dev不會降到0.14左右以下。 嘗試放入打印語句並在每次循環中打印出mean_dev ,看看它是否按預期工作。 您應該每次將mean_dev除以npp還是類似的東西?

作為一般規則,當估計值的變化變得非常小時,這類通過迭代尋找更接近近似值的問題通常會終止。 當 mean_dev 的變化小於 0.001 時是否應該停止? 您需要執行類似 abs(last_mean_dev-mean_dev)<0.001 的操作。


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