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計算 Python 中元組之間的邊數

[英]Calculating number of edges between tuples in Python

如果我有元組ab ,則嘗試計算元組之間的邊數

例如,如果a = ((0,1),(0,2),(0,3))b = (((0),(1,2,3)), ((0,1),(2,3)), ((0,1,2),(3)))

理想的 output 是[3,2,1] ,因為 a - 代表我們擁有的所有邊,b - 我們擁有的所有可能的圖切割。

得出計算此類邊緣總量的解決方案(在我們的示例中為 6):

def cnt_edges(a,b):
   edge_cnt = 0
   for i in range(len(a)):
       node1 = a[i][0]
       node2 = a[i][1]
       for j in range(len(b)):
           inner_node1 = b[j][0]
           inner_node2 = b[j][1]
           if (node1 in inner_node1 and node2 in inner_node2) or (node1 in inner_node2 and node2 in inner_node1):
               edge_cnt += 1
   return edge_cnt

a = ((0, 1),(0, 2), (0,3))
b = (((0),(1,2,3)), ((0,1),(2,3)), ((0,1,2),(3)))


我如何為 b 中的每個特定元組計算它?


所以我寫了一個compute_partitions function,它給定了一些邊緣,會給你根據你的規則對它們進行分區的不同方式。 然后調用一個方法來計算兩個分區之間的“交叉點”。

from typing import List, Tuple

Edge = Tuple[int, int]
Edges = List[Edge]

edges: Edges = [
    (0, 1),
    (0, 2),
    (0, 3),

Nodes = List[int]

def compute_partitions(edges: Edges) -> List[Tuple[Nodes, Nodes]]:
    # we want to list all the nodes
    all_unique_nodes = set(node for edge in edges for node in edge)
    # then sort them in ascending order
    sorted_nodes = sorted(all_unique_nodes)
    # and return a sliding partition
    for left_count in range(1, len(sorted_nodes)):  # from 1 to len()-1 inclusive
        left_nodes = sorted_nodes[0:left_count]  # include up to left_count exclusive
        right_nodes = sorted_nodes[left_count:]  # the rest
        yield left_nodes, right_nodes  # could be appended into a list otherwise

def count_edges_between(left_nodes: Nodes, right_nodes: Nodes, edges: Edges) -> int:
    crossings = 0
    for node_a, node_b in edges:
        if node_a in left_nodes:
            if node_b in left_nodes:
            elif node_b in right_nodes:
                crossings += 1
                raise ValueError("node not in edges")
        elif node_a in right_nodes:
            if node_b in left_nodes:
                crossings += 1
            elif node_b in right_nodes:
                raise ValueError("node not in edges")
            raise ValueError("node not in edges")
    return crossings


for nodes_left, nodes_right in compute_partitions(edges):
    print(count_edges_between(nodes_left, nodes_right, edges), nodes_left, nodes_right)
[([0], [1, 2, 3]), ([0, 1], [2, 3]), ([0, 1, 2], [3])]
3 [0] [1, 2, 3]
2 [0, 1] [2, 3]
1 [0, 1, 2] [3]


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