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UnboundLocalError: 賦值前引用的局部變量錯誤

[英]UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment error


一個學校項目的調查,預計會給人的分數增加 100 分




q1 = "TRUE OR FALSE: The lightest atom is hydrogen"
q2 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Osmium is one of the densest atom if not the most"
q3 = "TRUE OR FALSE: chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances."
q4 = "TRUE OR FALSE: There are 200 elements discovered in history"
q5 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was a Russian chemist and inventor. He is best known for formulating the Periodic Law and creating a version of the periodic table of elements."
q6 = "TRUE OR FALSE: The earth is the center of the earth"
q7 = "TRUE OR FALSE: The sun the the center of the earth"
q8 = "TRUE OR FALSE: The sun makes up most of the mass in our solar system"
q9 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Jupiter has the most moon in the solar system"
q10 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Mars's nick name is the red planet"
q11 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Supernova's are the biggest explosions in the universe"
q12 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Gamma rays bursts are the biggest explosions the universe"
q13 = "TRUE OR FALSE: All stars turn into supernovas"
q14 = "TRUE OR FALSE: All stars turn into blacks holes"
q15 = "TRUE OR FALSE: All stars turn into neutron stars"
q16 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model, Juptier is the biggest planet"
q17 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model, earth is the samllest planet"
q18 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model, neptune is the farthest planet to the sun"
q19 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model, the sun is the biggest object"
q20 = "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model the asteroid belt is located between Jupiter and Mars"
a1 = "True"
a2 = "True"
a3 = "True"
a4 = "False"
a5 = "True"
a6 = "False"
a7 = "True"
a8 = "True"
a9 = "False"
a10 = "True"
a11 = "False"
a12 = "True"
a13 = "False"
a14 = "False"
a15 = "False"
a16 = "True"
a17 = "False"
a18 = "True"
a19 = "True"
a20 = "True"

global player1points
global player2points

player1points = int(0)
player2points = int(0)

startkey = "Start"
rulekey = "Rules"

def software(key):
    if p1!=key and p2!=key:
        print("Both of you got it wrong")

    elif p2==key and p1!=key:
        print(f"{p2name} got it right")
        player2points = player2points+int(100)
    elif p1==key and p2!=key:
        print(f"{p1name} got it right")
        player1points = player1points+int(100)
    elif p1==key and p2==key:
        print("both of you got it right")
        player1points = player1points+int(100)
        player2points = player2points+int(100)

start = input(f"Hello to the tester 9000\n\nType start to start\ntype rules to know how to play! ").capitalize().strip()

if start==rulekey:
    rule = input("You need aleast 2 players to play this game\n\neverytime you get the question right you get 100 points\n\n the person with the most points after 20 questions is the winner\ntype start to start")
rule = "Start"
if start==startkey or rule==startkey:
    p1name = input("what is your name player one: ")
    p2name = input("what is your name player two: ")

print(f"time for you first question")

p1 = input(f"{p1name} turn").capitalize().strip()
p2 = input(f"{p2name} turn").capitalize().strip()




Hello to the tester 9000

Type start to start
type rules to know how to play! rules
You need aleast 2 players to play this game

everytime you get the question right you get 100 points

 the person with the most points after 20 questions is the winner
type start to startstart
what is your name player one: kunde
what is your name player two: chan
time for you first question
TRUE OR FALSE: The lightest atom is hydrogen
kunde turnfalse
chan turntrue
chan got it right
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 103, in <module>
File "<string>", line 71, in software
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'player2points' referenced before assignment


  • 錯誤是你的全局語句應該在 function 軟件中,因為 global 關鍵字允許我們修改當前 scope 之外的變量。你需要它在 function 軟件中


  • 編碼主要是關於使用正確的數據結構。 為每個問題和答案使用一個變量使得很難遍歷問題和答案。 在這種情況下最好使用列表。
  • 這個簡單的程序不需要全局變量(全局變量通常是不必要的,並且在不需要時不受歡迎)。
    • 使用可變參數(例如字典)來存儲點
  • 不必要地在所有打印語句中使用 f 字符串。 不必要的用法會使讀者感到困惑,因為他們正在尋找字符串中的變量。
  • 軟件是 function 的無意義名稱
    • 使用更能描述其目的的內容,例如 update_points


#The error is your global statements should be inside function software since the global keyword allows us to modify variables outside of the current scope. You need it in 
# The questions and answers should be in a data structure rather than each being its own variable
#    This allows you to interate over the questions
# Most of your print statements you can use string literal rather than f-strings since they don't use a variable
#        Unnecessarily using f-strings confuses the code reviewer since they are looking for a variable in your string

questions = ["TRUE OR FALSE: The lightest atom is hydrogen",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Osmium is one of the densest atom if not the most",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they interact, combine, and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances.",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: There are 200 elements discovered in history",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev was a Russian chemist and inventor. He is best known for formulating the Periodic Law and creating a version of the periodic table of elements.",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: The earth is the center of the earth",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: The sun the the center of the earth",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: The sun makes up most of the mass in our solar system",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Jupiter has the most moon in the solar system",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Mars's nick name is the red planet",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Supernova's are the biggest explosions in the universe",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Gamma rays bursts are the biggest explosions the universe"
             "TRUE OR FALSE: All stars turn into supernovas",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: All stars turn into blacks holes",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: All stars turn into neutron stars",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model, Juptier is the biggest planet",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model, earth is the samllest planet",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model, neptune is the farthest planet to the sun",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model, the sun is the biggest object",
             "TRUE OR FALSE: Based on the model the asteroid belt is located between Jupiter and Mars"]
answers = ["True",

def update_points(points, key):
        Updates points for player1 & player2
    print(p1, p2, key)
    if p1!=key and p2!=key:
        print("Both of you got it wrong")
    elif p2==key and p1!=key:
        print(f"{p2name} got it right")
        # increment player 2 points
        points[p2name] += 100
    elif p1==key and p2!=key:
        print(f"{p1name} got it right")
        # increment player 1 points
        points[p1name] += 100
    elif p1==key and p2==key:
        print("both of you got it right")
        # increment both players points
        points[p1name] += 100
        points[p2name] += 100
    return points    # updated points

startkey = "Start"
rulekey = "Rules"

start = input('''Hello to the tester 9000
                 Type start to start
                 type rules to know how to play!''').capitalize().strip()

if start==rulekey:
    rule = input("You need aleast 2 players to play this game\n\neverytime you get the question right you get 100 points\n\n the person with the most points after 20 questions is the winner\ntype start to start")
rule = "Start"
if start==startkey or rule==startkey:
    p1name = input("what is your name player one: ")
    p2name = input("what is your name player two: ")
    # Initialize points for each player
    points = {}
    points[p1name] = 0
    points[p2name] = 0
    for i, q in enumerate(questions):
        # loop over each question in list.  Enumerate provides the index of the quesiton
        print(f"time for question {i}")

        # Get answers
        p1 = input(f"{p1name} turn").capitalize().strip()
        p2 = input(f"{p2name} turn").capitalize().strip()

        # Update points
        points = update_points(points, answers[i])

        print(f"Player 1 points: {points[p1name]}")
        print(f"Player 2 points: {points[p2name]}")


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