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如何在普通 Java 中為 Resilience4j 2.0 斷路器定義回退方法?

[英]How do I define fallback method for Resilience4j 2.0 Circuit Breaker in a plain Java?

如何在普通 Java 中為 Resillience4j 2.0 斷路器定義回退方法?

我在官方文檔和 API 中都找不到示例。


WeatherApi weatherApi = new FaultyWeatherService();

CircuitBreakerRegistry registry = CircuitBreakerRegistry.of(

CircuitBreaker breaker = registry.circuitBreaker("weather-service");

Function<String, String> weatherFunction = CircuitBreaker
    .decorateFunction(breaker, weatherApi::getWeatherFor);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception ex) {

您可以在CircuitBreaker object 上使用withFallback方法。以下是如何在代碼中使用它的示例:

// Define your fallback method
Function<String, String> fallback = (city) -> {
  // Return a default value or do some other recovery logic here
  return "Unknown";

// Use the withFallback method to register the fallback
Function<String, String> weatherFunction = CircuitBreaker
    .decorateFunction(breaker, weatherApi::getWeatherFor)

withFallback方法采用Function object 將在原始 function(在本例中為weatherApi::getWeatherFor )拋出異常時調用。 此 function 應返回與原始 function 相同的類型(在本例中為String )。

您還可以使用以Class object 作為參數的withFallback方法為每種異常類型指定不同的回退。 這允許您以不同的方式處理不同的異常。 例如:

// Define your fallback methods
Function<String, String> ioExceptionFallback = (city) -> {
  // Return a default value or do some other recovery logic here
  return "Unknown";

Function<String, String> runtimeExceptionFallback = (city) -> {
  // Return a default value or do some other recovery logic here
  return "Unavailable";

// Use the withFallback methods to register the fallbacks
Function<String, String> weatherFunction = CircuitBreaker
    .decorateFunction(breaker, weatherApi::getWeatherFor)
    .withFallback(IOException.class, ioExceptionFallback)
    .withFallback(RuntimeException.class, runtimeExceptionFallback);

在此示例中,如果weatherApi::getWeatherFor ioExceptionFallback拋出IOException ,將調用runtimeExceptionFallback function ,如果拋出任何其他RuntimeException ,將調用 runtimeExceptionFallback function 。


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