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升級到 Angular 15 后測試 NgRx 效果停止工作

[英]Testing NgRx effects has stopped working after upgrade to Angular 15

我在 Angular 應用程序中使用 NgRx 效果。 升級到 Angular 15 后,測試停止並顯示以下錯誤消息:

Error: NG0202: This constructor is not compatible with Angular Dependency Injection because its dependency at index 0 of the parameter list is invalid.
This can happen if the dependency type is a primitive like a string or if an ancestor of this class is missing an Angular decorator.

Please check that 1) the type for the parameter at index 0 is correct and 2) the correct Angular decorators are defined for this class and its ancestors.



export class ProductEffects {
  constructor(private store$: Store<ProductState>, private actions$: Actions<ProductAction>, private productService: ProductService) {}

  requestActiveProducts = createEffect(() =>
// ... effects


describe('ProductEffects', () => {
  let storeSpy: Mocked<Store<ProductState>>;
  let productServiceSpy: Mocked<ProductService>;

  let actions$: Observable<ProductAction>;
  let effects: ProductEffects;

  beforeEach(() => {
    storeSpy = createSpyObj('Store', ['select']);
    productServiceSpy = createSpyObj('ProductService', [... ]);

      providers: [
        { provide: Store, useValue: storeSpy },
        { provide: ProductService, useValue: productServiceSpy },
        provideMockActions(() => actions$),
      imports: [StoreModule.forRoot({})],
      teardown: { destroyAfterEach: false },
    effects = TestBed.inject(ProductEffects); // error occurs here

來自 package.json:

    "@angular/core": "15.0.2",
    "@ngrx/effects": "15.0.0"

我的錯。 我忘記更新devDependencies中的@angular/cli

來自 v15 的NgRx 遷移指南

版本 15 具有最低版本要求:

Angular 版本 15.x,Angular CLI 版本 15.x,TypeScript 版本 4.8.x RxJS 版本 ^6.5.3 || ^7.5.0


  "devDependencies": {
    "@angular-devkit/build-angular": "15.0.2",
    "@angular/cli": "15.0.2",
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "15.0.2",


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