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如何在 Nodejs 中實現 OneSignal 推送通知?

[英]How to implement OneSignal Push Notifications in Nodejs?

我想使用 OneSignal 包在節點 js 中實現推送通知。

您可以按照以下步驟在 Nodejs 中實現 OneSignal 推送通知:

1- 首先在前端實現 OneSignal 推送通知,例如(React Native、Reactjs、Flutter)。

2- 然后通過從 One Signal 網站發送手動通知來測試這些推送通知。

手動測試鏈接: https ://dashboard.onesignal.com/apps/fade543c-d12e-422c-8e15-66afa731e2fe/notifications/new

3- 如果手動通知有效,那么我們可以繼續使用 Nodejs。 首先在您的節點應用程序中安裝“onesignal-node”包。

4- 並使用以下代碼發送通知

   const sendPushNotificationsToAll = async (request, response) => {

  \\you can find app id and api key in your one signal 
   application settings

  const client = new OneSignal.Client(

 const notification = {
 headings: { en: title },  ***title of notification***
 contents: {
  en: description,        ***description of notification***
included_segments: ["Subscribed Users"],     ***target audience***
large_icon: "http://www.logo.com",     ***notification large logo***
big_picture: "http://www.bigpicture.com",    
data: {
  postId: postId,       ***fields data***

 try {

 const res = await client.createNotification(notification);

response.status(200).json("Notification created successfully");
  } catch (error) {


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