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循環遍歷 VBA 個變量

[英]Loop Through VBA Variables

我在 VBA 中創建了一個用戶表單,其中我有一個可以搜索項目的文本框。 我有大約 30 個文本框,所以我想使用循環來減少代碼,而不是復制和粘貼相同的代碼 30 次。


Public Variable: Public oEventHandler(Number) As New clsSearchableDropdown
     oEventHandler would go from 1 to 30 (e.g oEventHandler2,oEventHandler3...oEventHandler30)
     clsSearchableDropdown is the Class Module for the search feature

Text Box: TextBox(Number)
ListBox: ListBox(Number)


  With oEventHandler1
    ' Attach the textbox and listbox to the class
        Set .SearchListBox = Me.ListBox1
        Set .SearchTextBox = Me.TextBox1
    ' Default settings
        .MaxRows = 10
        .ShowAllMatches = True
        .CompareMethod = vbTextCompare
        .WindowsVersion = False
  End With


  Dim i As Integer

  for i = 1 to 30

    With Me.Controls.Item("oEventHandler" & i)
      ' Attach the textbox and listbox to the class
          Set .SearchListBox = Me.Controls.Item("ListBox" & i)
          Set .SearchTextBox = Me.Controls.Item("TextBox" & i)
      ' Default settings
          .MaxRows = 10
          .ShowAllMatches = True
          .CompareMethod = vbTextCompare
        .WindowsVersion = False
    End With

  Next i

我知道 oEventHandler 不是控件,但是是否有類似的代碼可以用來循環訪問公共變量?


' Make a New Collection

  Dim coll As New Collection

' Add all Public Variables to Collection (n = Number 1 to 30)

  coll.Add uQuote.oEventHandler(n) 
     (e.g oEventHandler1, oEventHandler2... oEventHandler30)

  Dim i As Integer

  for i = 1 to 30

    With coll(i)
      ' Attach the textbox and listbox to the class
          Set .SearchListBox = Me.Controls.Item("ListBox" & i)
          Set .SearchTextBox = Me.Controls.Item("TextBox" & i)
      ' Default settings
          .MaxRows = 10
          .ShowAllMatches = True
          .CompareMethod = vbTextCompare
        .WindowsVersion = False
    End With

  Next i

如果我理解正確的話,在用戶窗體中你有 30 個文本框和 30 個列表框,其中每個文本框 (N) 用於搜索位於該文本框 (N) 下的列表框 (N) 中的值。 所以它看起來像這樣:


如果 animation 與您的期望相似......


  • 使用 List01、List02、List03 等內容創建一個命名范圍(根據需要盡可能多),以便填充每個 ListBox 的值。
  • 使用 ListBox01、ListBox02 等名稱命名每個 ListBox。
  • 使用 TextBox01、TextBox02 等名稱命名每個 TextBox。


Dim MyTextBoxes As Collection

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

'populate the ListBoxes with value in a named range
Dim LBname As String: Dim RGname As String: Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 2
LBname = "ListBox" & Format(i, "00")
RGname = "List" & Format(i, "00")
Controls(LBname).List = Application.Transpose(Range(RGname))
Next i

'add each TextBox to class
Set MyTextBoxes = New Collection
    For Each ctl In Me.Controls
        Set TextBoxClass = New Class1
        If TypeName(ctl) = "TextBox" And InStr(ctl.Name, "TextBox") Then Set TextBoxClass.obj = ctl
        MyTextBoxes.Add TextBoxClass
End Sub

在名為 Class1 的 Class 模塊中:

Private WithEvents tb As MSForms.TextBox

Property Set obj(t As MSForms.TextBox)
Set tb = t
End Property

Private Sub tb_Change()
Dim idx As String: Dim LBname As String: Dim arr
idx = Right(tb.Name, 2)
LBname = "ListBox" & idx
arr = Application.Transpose(Range("List" & idx))
    With Userform1.Controls(LBname)
        If tb.text = "" Then
            .List = arr
            For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1)
                If LCase(arr(i)) Like "*" & LCase(tb.value) & "*" Then .AddItem arr(i)
            Next i
        End If
    End With
End Sub


如果您現有的文本框和列表框已經命名為 ListBox1、ListBox2、ListBox3 等,TextBox1、TextBox2、TextBox3 等...然后命名命名范圍,如 List1、List2、List3 等。 在 class 模塊中,使用 replace 方法更改 idx 的代碼,類似於idx = replace(tb.name,"TextBox","") 同樣在 LBname 和 RGname 的用戶窗體模塊中使用 replace 方法。



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