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在 python 中連接具有條件的文本文件行

[英]Concatenate text file lines with condition in python


0.jpg 12,13,14,15,16
0.jpg 13,14,15,16,17
1.jpg 1,2,3,4,5
1.jpg 2,3,4,5,6


0.jpg 12,13,14,15,16 13,14,15,16,17
1.jpg 1,2,3,4,5 2,3,4,5,6


with open("file.txt", "r") as input:       # Read all data lines.
    data = input.readlines()
with open("out_file.txt", "w") as output:  # Create output file.
    for line in data:                      # Iterate over data lines.
        line_elements = line.split()       # Split line by spaces.
        line_updated = [line_elements[0]]  # Initialize fixed line (without undesired patterns) with image's name.
        if line_elements[0] = (next line's line_elements[0])???:
            for i in line_elements[1:]:    # Iterate over groups of numbers in current line.
               tmp = i.split(',')          # Split current group by commas.
               if len(tmp) == 5:

            if len(line_updated) > 1:      # If the fixed line is valid, write it to output file.
               output.write(f"{' '.join(line_updated)}\n")


for i in range (len(data)):
if line_elements[0] in line[i] == line_elements[0] in line[i+1]:

   line_updated = [line_elements[0]]
   for i in line_elements[1:]:    # Iterate over groups of numbers in current line.
      tmp = i.split(',')          # Split current group by commas.
      if len(tmp) == 5:

   if len(line_updated) > 1:      # If the fixed line is valid, write it to output file.
      output.write(f"{' '.join(line_updated)}\n")

將行的第一個字段保存在變量中。 然后檢查當前行的第一個字段是否等於該值。 如果是,則將 append 寫入該值,否則寫入保存的行並開始新的 output 行。

current_name = None

with open("out_file.txt", "w") as output:
    for line in data:
        name, values = line.split()
        if name == current_name:
            current_values += ' ' + values
        if current_name:
            output.write(f'{current_name} {current_values}\n')
        current_name, current_values = name, values
    # write the last block
    if current_name:
        output.write(f'{current_name} {current_values}\n')


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