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我不知道為什么我的代碼會跳過一些.JPG 圖片,你能弄清楚嗎?

[英]I can not find out why my code is skipping some .JPG images, can you figure it out?

我有一個代碼可以將 .jpg 和 .jpeg 文件從一個文件夾轉換為 .png 文件。

非常簡單,但非常令人沮喪,因為它會跳過一些文件並且不會轉換它們。 我已經嘗試了一切,但似乎無法找到錯誤並依賴來自 stackoverflow 的人的幫助......

images_list = os.listdir(path_dir)

def Checker(directory, filename):
    if filename.split(".")[-1] == "jpg":
        print("File found and going trough:" + filename)
        im1 = Image.open(directory + "/" + filename)
        # Define the png_filename variable before using it
        png_filename = filename.strip(".jpg") + '.png'
        im1.save(directory + "/" + png_filename)
        # Remove the original JPEG image from the directory
        os.remove(directory + "/" + filename)

    elif filename.split(".")[-1] == "jpeg":
        print("File found and going trough:" + filename)
        im1 = Image.open(directory + "/" + filename)
        # Define the png_filename variable before using it
        png_filename = filename.strip(".jpeg") + '.png'
        im1.save(directory + "/" + png_filename)
        # Remove the original JPEG image from the directory
        os.remove(directory + "/" + filename)

for item in images_list:
    Checker(path_dir, item)

你不覺得在這里使用 glob 更好嗎? 搜索所有擴展名為.jpg 或.jpeg 的文件並更改擴展名。

import glob
from PIL import Image

for file in glob.glob('./images/*.jpg')+glob.glob('./images/*.jpeg'):
    Image.open(file).convert('RGB').save(file.rstrip('.jpeg')+'.png', "PNG")


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