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如何在不使用兩次返回的情況下更優雅地縮小 TypeScript 類型?

[英]How to narrow TypeScript types more elegantly, without using two returns?

假設我有一個對象是ApiErrorType | ApiSuccessType ApiErrorType | ApiSuccessType基於下面定義的類型。 這兩種類型有一些相似之處,但timestamp僅與ApiErrorType相關,如果isErrorfalse則永遠不會出現。

我想通過返回MyErrorType | MySuccessType的格式化函數將此對象與聯合類型放在一起 MyErrorType | MySuccessType 重要的是,下游代碼可以根據isError的值知道它正在處理這兩種類型中的一種。


有沒有更優雅的方法來實現這一目標? 更類似於betterFormatter函數,它實際上不起作用?

interface Base {
    readonly isError: boolean;
    readonly timestamp?: number;
    readonly msg: string;

interface ApiErrorType extends Base {
    readonly isError: true
    readonly timestamp: number;

interface ApiSuccessType extends Base {
    readonly isError: false;
    readonly timestamp: undefined;

const errorObj = {
    isError: true,
    timestamp: 787149920,
    msg: "errored"
} as const;

const successObj = {
    isError: false,
    timestamp: undefined,
    msg: "succeeded"
} as const;

interface MyErrorType {
    readonly isError: true;
    readonly date: Date;
    readonly msg: string;

interface MySuccessType {
    readonly isError: false;
    readonly date: undefined;
    readonly msg: string;

const formatter = (obj: ApiErrorType | ApiSuccessType): MyErrorType | MySuccessType => {
    // This version works, but it requires two separate returns, and requires `msg` to be 
    // assigned to a local variable to be reused in both places. Overall, it's repetative.
    const msg = obj.msg.toUpperCase();

    if (obj.isError) {
        return {
            isError: obj.isError,
            date: new Date(obj.timestamp),

    return {
        isError: obj.isError,
        date: undefined,

// TODO: How could I accomplish this?
const betterFormatter (obj: ApiErrorType | ApiSuccessType): MyErrorType | MySuccessType => {
  // This version should have one return, like the below, but I should somehow be able to
  // tell TypeScript that the return type is in face `MyErrorType | MySuccessType`.
  // As written, `betterFormatter` does not work.
  return {
    isError: obj.isError,
    date: obj.timestamp ? new Date(obj.timestamp) : undefined,
    msg: obj.msg.toUpperCase()

const error = formatter(errorObj);
const success = formatter(successObj);

if (error.isError) {
    // We know this is a date

if (!success.isError) {
    // We know this is undefined
   console.log(success.date === undefined);
type MyReturnType<T extends ApiErrorType | ApiSuccessType> =
  T extends ApiErrorType ? MyErrorType : MySuccessType;

const betterFormatter = <T extends ApiErrorType | ApiSuccessType>(
  obj: T
): MyReturnType<T> => {
  return {
    isError: obj.isError,
    date: obj.isError ? new Date(obj.timestamp) : undefined,
    msg: obj.msg,
  } as MyReturnType<T>;


您可以使用區分聯合類型來更好地定義您的 API 響應:

 type APIResponse = | { isError: true; timestamp: Date; msg: string } | { isError: false; msg: string } type MyErrorType = Extract<APIResponse, {isError: true}> type MySuccessType = Extract<APIResponse, {isError: false}> function formatter(obj: APIResponse): MyErrorType | MySuccessType { if (obj.isError) { return {...obj, timestamp: new Date(obj.timestamp), } } return obj as MySuccessType // here there is no need to cast it because TS already know that obj is of type MySuccessType and it won't have the timestamp property }




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