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[英]Cannot satisfy `'static` lifetime requirement

我正在嘗試使用yew創建一個應用程序。 我有一個玩家列表,我想將他們的狀態從活動狀態切換為非活動狀態,但我在對象生命周期方面遇到了困難。 rustc告訴我,我的view函數中的self需要'static生命周期要求”,但我不知道如何實現。 我怎樣才能滿足這個終身要求?

error[E0759]: `self` has an anonymous lifetime `'_` but it needs to satisfy a `'static` lifetime requirement

pub struct App {
    state: State,

pub struct State {
    pub players: Vec<Player>,

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct Player {
    pub name: String,
    pub score: usize,
    pub is_active: bool,

impl Component for App {
//... Omitted some boilerplate code for create and update
    fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
        // This gives us a component's "`Scope`" which allows us to send messages, etc to the component.
        let link = ctx.link();
        html! {
                <button onclick={link.callback(|_| Msg::AddOne)}>{ "+1" }</button>

                <div id="players">
                    self.state.players.iter().map(|p| {
                        <div  key={p.name.as_str()}>
                        onclick={link.callback(move |_| Msg::Toggle(p.name))}
                        { format!("Hello, I'am {}!",p.name) }</div>


error[E0759]: `self` has an anonymous lifetime `'_` but it needs to satisfy a `'static` lifetime requirement
   --> src/main.rs:69:40
60  |     fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
    |             ----- this data with an anonymous lifetime `'_`...
69  |                     self.state.players.iter().map(|p| {
    |                     ------------------ ^^^^
    |                     |
    |                     ...is used here...
77  |                         onclick={link.callback(move |_| Msg::Toggle(p.name))}
    |                                       -------- ...and is required to live as long as `'static` here
note: `'static` lifetime requirement introduced by this bound
   --> /Users/benny.gaechter/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/yew-0.20.0/src/html/component/scope.rs:144:26
144 |         F: Fn(IN) -> M + 'static,
    |                          ^^^^^^^

正如它在錯誤消息中所說: The argument given to .callback() needs to be some Fn(IN) -> M + 'static ,也就是說,一個以一些IN作為參數的函數,返回一些M作為結果,並且作為一個整體是'static (沒有比'static短的生命周期)。

一個普通的函數指針是'static ,捕獲上下文的閉包也是'static 但是關閉move |_| Msg::Toggle(p.name) move |_| Msg::Toggle(p.name)捕獲p.name ,其中p來自self.state.players ,而self.state.players中的self來自fn view(&self, ...) view()的參數&self不是'static ,這就是編譯器所抱怨的:將閉包傳遞給callback() 'static的唯一方法是讓view()成為fn view(&'static self, ...)

fn view(&'static self, ...)可能不是您想做或不能做的,但編譯器不知道。

你需要做的是讓閉包move |_| Msg::Toggle(p.name) move |_| Msg::Toggle(p.name) 'static通過將它從本地綁定的p中分離出來。 .clone() p.name並將克隆move到閉包中可能就足夠了。 由於克隆是一個擁有的String ,其生命周期不短於'static ,因此閉包本身變為'static ,滿足.callback()的要求。 然而,這意味着Player::name可以獨立於回調的內容而改變。 如果您的代碼中有這種可能性,請使用Rc / Arc.clone() 相同的論點:由於閉包擁有的Rc / Arc'static ,閉包本身變為'static


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