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編寫一個 python 程序,通過循環查找數字的第一位和最后一位的總和

[英]Write a python program to find sum of first and last digit of a number by using loop


n = input("enter your number:-")

#By loop 

if (n.isnumeric):
    for i in range(len(n)):
        if i == 0:
            print(f" your first digit of the number is {n[0]}")
        elif i== len(n)-1:
            print(f" your last digit of the number is {n[-1]}")
    print("Please enter a number and try again!")

請有人可以修改此代碼以找到第一個數字和最后一個數字的總和嗎? 謝謝你:)

實際上,您非常接近您正在尋找的答案,只有一些錯誤需要更正。 查看修改后的版本,並檢查?

注意- 這是為了遵循 OP 的想法,並進行最小的更改。

n = input("enter your number:-")    # ex. 123 

#By loop 

if (n.isnumeric()):                # calling the method:  isnumeric()
    for i in range(len(n)):
        if i == 0:
            first = n[0]          # assign it to first digit
            print(f" your first digit of the number is {n[0]}")
        elif i == len(n)-1:
            last = n[len(n) -1]   # assign it to last digit
            print(f" your last digit of the number is {n[-1]}") # convert to integer

print(f' the sum of first and last digits: {int(first)+int(last)} ')
# 4      <- given input 123

您已經知道如何獲取序列中的最后一項 - 即 n[-1]



  1. 輸入的長度是否至少為 2 個字符?
  2. 輸入是否完全由十進制字符組成


inval = input('Enter a number with at least 2 digits: ')

if len(inval) > 1 and inval.isdecimal():
    first = inval[0]
    last = inval[-1]
    print(f'Sum of first and last digits is {int(first)+int(last)}')
    print('Input either too short or non-numeric')


inval = input('Enter a number with at least 2 digits: ')

if len(inval) > 1 and inval.isdecimal():
    first, *_, last = map(int, inval)
    print(f'Sum of first and last digits is {first+last}')
    print('Input either too short or non-numeric')


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