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[英]Is there a way to check if a class is empty in java?


基本上,我正在對返回數據的數據庫進行 api 調用:

[{"profiles":{" testexample ":{"addresses":[{"city":" ","street1":" ","street2":"apt 320"}],"addressType":"HOME" ,"city":" ","dateOfBirth":" ","emailAddress1":" ","emailAddress2":" ","emailAddresses":[{"email":" ","preferred":1,"type ":"BUSINESS"},{"email":" ","preferred":0,"type":"PERSONAL"}],"firstName":" ","lastName":" ","phoneNumber":" ","phoneNumbers":[],"phoneType":"HOME","postalCode":" ","preferred":1,"street1":" ","street2":" "}]

當數據庫返回非空配置文件 {} 時,我下面的代碼可以正常工作。 我有以下 Java 類,如下所示:

public class Account {

    private Profiles profiles;

    public Profiles getProfiles() {
        return profiles;

    public void setProfiles(Profiles profiles) {
        this.profiles = profiles;

public class Profiles {

    private Profile testExample;

    public Profile getTestExample() {
        return testExample;

    public void setTestExample(Profile testExample) {
        this.testExample = testExample;

public class Profile {

    private String dateOfBirth;

    public String getDateOfBirth() {
        return dateOfBirth;
    public void setDateOfBirth(String dateOfBirth) {
        this.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;


所以當我獲取數據時我想做的是檢查 getProfiles() 是否返回空,所以我不會調用該對象中的任何內容。


這是我到目前為止所擁有的,當配置文件 {} 不為空時它可以工作

Account response = access.lookup(id, type); //This is to grab the response from the database, which is working.

response.getProfiles(); //This is the part that works when it has a profiles {} not empty, but fails on empty.

所以發生的是我沒有收到 response.getProfiles() 的錯誤,但是如果我嘗試執行 response.getProfiles().getDateOfBirth(),它不會工作,因為它會給出一個空指針異常,因為dateOfBirth 不存在。

如果 response.getProfiles() 為空,我想通過跳過它來避免調用任何內容。

您需要一些基本的空值檢查。 最基本的方法是分配一個新變量並檢查。

Profiles profiles = account.getProfiles();
if(profiles != null) {
   //dosomething with profiles.getDateOfBirth()

更“現代”的功能性 Java 方法是使用Optional類。

String dateOfBirth = Optional.ofNullable(account.getProfiles())
    .map(profile -> profile.getDateOfBirth)

(關於你的例子的注釋:在 Account 類中,你有這個。

public void setProfiles(Profiles profiles) {
    this.profiles = profiles;

這似乎是一個不正確的@JsonProperty注釋,可能會導致一些問題。 也就是說,沒有必要注釋 getter 和 setter。 該字段上的一個注釋就足夠了。)


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