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返回類型取決於泛型的 Typescript 函數

[英]Typescript function whose return type depends on a generic

我正在嘗試編寫一個函數,其返回類型取決於通用參數。 下面是一段代碼來演示:

type FOOBAR = 'foo' | 'bar';

function fn<T extends FOOBAR>(arg: T): T extends 'foo' ? 'r1' : 'r2' {
  if (arg === 'foo') {
    return 'r1';
  return 'r2';


const fooResponse = fn('foo'); // this is correctly typed as 'r1'
const barResponse = fn('bar'); // this is correctly typed as 'r2'

在函數體內,我看到Type '"r1"' is not assignable to type 'T extends "foo"? "r1": "r2"'. Type '"r1"' is not assignable to type 'T extends "foo"? "r1": "r2"'. . 我不清楚如何解決此投訴。

我確實看到了許多相關問題,但沒有一個解決依賴返回類型與聯合類型的組合問題。 我能找到的最接近的是 this ,這似乎暗示它目前是不可能的,盡管我不太確定。


type FOOBAR = 'foo' | 'bar';

function fn(arg: 'foo'): 'r1';
function fn(arg: 'bar'): 'r2';
function fn(arg: FOOBAR) {
  if (arg === 'foo') {
    return 'r1';
  return 'r2';

const fooResponse = fn('foo'); // this is correctly typed as 'r1'
const barResponse = fn('bar'); // this is correctly typed as 'r2'


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