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[英]TypeScript: How to type "if a this key is present, this other key must be too" without explicitly copying everything over


type MyType =
  | {
      foo: string;
  | {
      foo: string;
      barPre: string;
      barPost: string;
  | {
      foo: string;
      quxPre: string;
      quxPost: string;
  | {
      foo: string;
      barPre: string;
      barPost: string;
      quxPre: string;
      quxPost: string;


const myThing1: MyType = { foo: 'foo' };
const myThing2: MyType = { foo: 'foo', barPre: 'barPre', barPost: 'barPost' };
const myThing3: MyType = { foo: 'foo', quxPre: 'quxPre', quxPost: 'quxPost' };
const myThing4: MyType = {
  foo: 'foo',
  barPre: 'barPre',
  barPost: 'barPost',
  quxPre: 'quxPre',
  quxPost: 'quxPost',


const myThing5: MyType = {}; // missing 'foo'
const myThing6: MyType = { barPre: 'barPre', barPost: 'barPost' }; // missing 'foo'
const myThing7: MyType = { foo: 'foo', barPre: 'barPre' }; // if `barPre` exists, `barPost` must, too.
const myThing8: MyType = { barPre: 'barPre', barPost: 'barPost', quxPre: 'quxPre', quxPost: 'quxPost' }


type MyType = {
  foo: string;
} & ({
  barPre?: undefined;
  barPost?: undefined;
} | {
  barPre: string;
  barPost: string;
}) & ({
  quxPre?: undefined;
  quxPost?: undefined;
} | {
  quxPre: string;
  quxPost: string;

但這似乎很乏味。 有沒有更簡單的方法來實現這一目標?

這是由於 Typescript 對聯合所做的奇怪的額外屬性檢查。 請參閱https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/36945

您可以定義一個嚴格的聯合類型,它至少在您的情況下有效。 我沒有認真嘗試過,但你可以在這里閱讀。

將 StrictUnion 類型定義為:

type UnionKeys<T> = T extends T ? keyof T : never
type StrictUnionHelper<T, TAll> = T extends T ? T & Partial<Record<Exclude<UnionKeys<TAll>, keyof T>, undefined>> : never
type StrictUnion<T> = StrictUnionHelper<T, T>


type MyType = StrictUnion<A | B | C | D>

然后它會按照您的預期報告錯誤 myThing5、6、7 和 8。


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