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如何使用 express Mongoose 在服務器端 Nodejs 上優化 api 查詢

[英]How to optomized the api query on server side Nodejs with express Mongoose

我創建了一個 node.js rest API 並將節點應用程序部署在共享托管服務器上。

我的 mongoose 收藏中有大約 1000 多條記錄。

我面臨的主要問題是,如果我在本地 PC 上運行后端,則每個請求的查詢獲取時間大約需要 3 秒,但共享主機上的代碼需要 5 分鍾以上才能完成請求。

我從多個 mongoose collections 制作數據,並為我的考勤記錄返回一個對象數組。


像這樣,我正在從多個 mongoose collections 制作數據。

exports.get = async function (req, res) {
  var empl = [];

  if (req.query.user_id) {
    empl = await userModel.find({ company_id: req.query.company_id, id: req.query.user_id });
  } else {
    empl = await userModel.find({ company_id: req.query.company_id });
  // console.log("uesr",empl);
  var currentMonth;
  var currentYear;
  if (req.query.month) {
    currentMonth = req.query.month;
  } else {
    currentMonth = getmonth()
  if (req.query.year) {
    currentYear = req.query.year;
  } else {
    currentYear = getyear();
  //   console.log("month",currentMonth);
  //  console.log("year",currentYear);
  var currentYearsHoildays = [];
  var holidays = await holidaysModel.find({});
  if (holidays && holidays.length > 0) {
    for (var h = 0; h < holidays.length; h++) {
      var hdate = holidays[h].date.split("/");
      //  console.log("holidays",hdate);
      //  console.log("current",currentYear);
      if (hdate[2] === currentYear.toString()) {
        var bb = {
          id: holidays[h].id,
          name: holidays[h].name,
          type: holidays[h].type,
          date: holidays[h].date,
          status: holidays[h].status,
          company_id: holidays[h].company_id,



  var currentMonthDays = getDays(currentMonth);
  var leavesession = await leavesessionModel.find({ company_id: req.query.company_id, status:         1 });
  var users = [];
  var attandence = [];
  if (empl && empl.length > 0) {
    for (var u = 0; u < empl.length; u++) {
      var leavesession = await leavesessionModel.find({ company_id: empl[u].company_id, status: 1 });
      //console.log("leavesession: ", leavesession[0]?.id)
      let atd = [];
      let nobj = {};
      for (var i = 1; i <= currentMonthDays; i++) {
        if (i <= 9) {
          var k = '0' + i;
        } else {
          var k = i;

        let date = k + '/' + currentMonth + '/' + currentYear;
        let obj = {};
        ///// holidays and leaves check 
        var holidayschk = await holidaysModel.find({ date: date });
        var leaves = await userleavesModel.find({ leavesession_id: leavesession[0]?.id, date:     date, user_id: empl[u].id });
        // console.log("sesion",leavesession[0].id);

        const atten = await attandenceModel.find({ user_id: empl[u].id, date: date })
        if (atten && atten.length > 0 && atten[0].timein) {
          var pr = true;
          if (atten[0]?.totalhours == 'NaN') {
            pr = false;
          obj = {
            id: atten[0]?.id,
            timein: atten[0]?.timein,
            timeout: atten[0]?.timeout,
                totalhours: atten[0]?.totalhours,
            date: date,
            present: pr,
            holiday: (holidayschk && holidayschk.length > 0) ? true : false,
            leave: (leaves && leaves.length > 0) ? true : false,

        // else if(holidayschk && holidayschk.length>0)
        // {
        //   obj ={

        //     timein:holidayschk[0]?.name,
        //     timeout:holidayschk[0]?.name,
        //     date:date,
        //     present:false,
        //     holiday:true
        //    }
        // }
        else {
          obj = {
            id: atten[0]?.timein,
            date: date,
            present: false,
            holiday: (holidayschk && holidayschk.length > 0) ? true : false,
            leave: (leaves && leaves.length > 0) ? true : false,
            timein: '-',
            timeout: '-',
            totalhours: 'NaN',

      nobj = {
        id: empl[u].id,
        name: empl[u].first_name + " " + empl[u].last_name,
        image: empl[u].image,
        wrokfrom_home: empl[u].wrokfrom_home,
        attandence: atd,


    //console.log("atandence ",attandence);

  //return res.json(attandence);

  const newobj = {
    Good: true,
    data: {
      holidays: currentYearsHoildays,
      attandence: attandence
  // console.log("OBJedt ",newobj);


有誰知道如何優化 API 以獲得良好的響應?

我嘗試在 API 中使用分頁,但如果我只獲取 3 條記錄,共享主機也會花費很多時間。 我認為這是從我的服務器端從 mongoose 獲取數據可能但不確定。

首先,您應該通過字段 company_id https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/對 userModel 和 leavesessionModel 使用 $lookup 聚合。 嵌套循環是邪惡的,尤其是對於數據庫查詢。 嘗試擺脫它們。 您在循環中調用此查詢,但您只能在外部執行一次。

var holidayschk = await holidaysModel.find({ date: date });



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