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在 React JS 中打開抽屜時如何防止內容移動?

[英]how to prevent content shift when drawer open in react js?

我正在創建抽屜示例。 我正在關注此鏈接https://mui.com/material-ui/react-drawer/

一切都按預期工作。但是當我的抽屜打開時,我遇到了一個問題,我的內容向右移動,當它關閉時,它會保持原來的狀態 position 。當抽屜打開時,布局似乎發生了變化。




const drawerWidth = 240;

const openedMixin = (theme: Theme): CSSObject => ({
  width: drawerWidth,
  transition: theme.transitions.create("width", {
    easing: theme.transitions.easing.sharp,
    duration: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen
  overflowX: "hidden"

const closedMixin = (theme: Theme): CSSObject => ({
  transition: theme.transitions.create("width", {
    easing: theme.transitions.easing.sharp,
    duration: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen
  overflowX: "hidden",
  width: `calc(${theme.spacing(7)} + 1px)`,
  [theme.breakpoints.up("sm")]: {
    width: `calc(${theme.spacing(8)} + 1px)`

const DrawerHeader = styled("div")(({ theme }) => ({
  display: "flex",
  alignItems: "center",
  justifyContent: "flex-end",
  padding: theme.spacing(0, 1),
  // necessary for content to be below app bar

interface AppBarProps extends MuiAppBarProps {
  open?: boolean;

const AppBar = styled(MuiAppBar, {
  shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== "open"
})<AppBarProps>(({ theme, open }) => ({
  zIndex: theme.zIndex.drawer + 1,
  transition: theme.transitions.create(["width", "margin"], {
    easing: theme.transitions.easing.sharp,
    duration: theme.transitions.duration.leavingScreen
  ...(open &&
      // marginLeft: drawerWidth,
      // width: `calc(100% - ${drawerWidth}px)`,
      // transition: theme.transitions.create(["width", "margin"], {
      //   easing: theme.transitions.easing.sharp,
      //   duration: theme.transitions.duration.enteringScreen
      // })

const Drawer = styled(MuiDrawer, {
  shouldForwardProp: (prop) => prop !== "open"
})(({ theme, open }) => ({
  width: drawerWidth,
  flexShrink: 0,
  whiteSpace: "nowrap",
  boxSizing: "border-box",
  ...(open && {
    "& .MuiDrawer-paper": openedMixin(theme)
  ...(!open && {
    "& .MuiDrawer-paper": closedMixin(theme)



添加position屬性以制作疊加效果。 absolute用於正常情況, sticky用於粘性覆蓋。

const DrawerHeader = styled("div")(({ theme }) => ({
  position: "absolute", // Add this: absolute or sticky
  display: "flex",
  alignItems: "center",
  justifyContent: "flex-end",
  padding: theme.spacing(0, 1),
  // necessary for content to be below app bar

另外,您可以為抽屜添加lefttop position。


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