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在 TypeScript 如何定義一個(通用)類型,其中定義了一些屬性(但仍然可以為空)?

[英]In TypeScript how to define a (generic) type where some properties are defined (but still can be null)?

我想要(但我不能)定義一個泛型類型,它使Product的某些屬性已定義,但仍然可以為 null。 我正在考慮自己仍在學習 TypeScript ......但對我來說似乎很難。

class Product {
  id: number | string;
  name: null | string;
  variants?: ProductVariant[];


// Not good: undefined are still allowed
type Exploded<T, K extends string & keyof T> 
  = Omit<T, K> & Required<{ [key in K]: T[key] }>


// Not good: name is now not null
type Exploded<T, K extends string & keyof T> 
  = Omit<T, K> & Required<{ [key in K]: NonNullable<T[key]> }>


// Not good: does not handle null AND undefined
type Exploded<T, K extends string & keyof T> 
  = Omit<T, K> & Required<{ 
      [key in K]: null extends T[key] ? T[key] :NonNullable<T[key]> 

正如 NirG 在問題評論中所建議的那樣,只需使用Pick實用程序類型,但結合Required

type Exploded<T, K extends keyof T> = Required<Pick<T, K>>;

type ExplodedProduct = Exploded<Product, 'id' | 'name' | 'variants'>;
//   ^? { id: number | string; name: null | string; variants: ProductVariant[]; }



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