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Logstash 未將 Null 值插入 Postgresql

[英]Null value not inserted in Postgresql by Logstash

我正在嘗試將數據從 Elasticsearch 插入到 postgresql。它在 postgresql 中插入數據但沒有正確處理空白值。 當我試圖在 postgresql 中插入黑色值時,它填充了語句的變量名。


input {
  elasticsearch {
  hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
  index => "input_data"
output {
  jdbc {
    connection_string => "jdbc:postgresql://hostname:5432/database"
    username => "username"
    password => "password"
    driver_jar_path => "C:/postgresql-42.5.1.jar"
    driver_class => "org.postgresql.Driver"
    statement => [
      "INSERT INTO data_post_two (inputdata,metric,source_table,output_column_alias,method) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",

這是意料之中的。 如果字段不存在,sprintf 不會替換 %{fieldName} 的值。 您必須確保這些字段存在。 通用方法出奇地復雜,因為它必須處理 boolean 個字段(如果 [field] {} 無法區分 boolean false 和不存在的字段)。 請注意,在撰寫本文時,Elastic記錄的最佳實踐有一種方法不起作用,因為 copy 和 add_field 必須位於單獨的過濾器中,或者操作順序不正確......

filter {
    mutate {
        # we use a "temporary" field with an arbitrary value
        add_field => { "[@metadata][test_field_check]" => "a null value" }
    mutate {
        # we copy the field of interest into that field.
        # If the field of interest doesn't exist, copy is not executed.
        copy => { "testField" => "[@metadata][test_field_check]" }
    # if testField didn't exist, our field will have the arbitrary value
    if [@metadata][test_field_check] == "a null value" {
        # logic to execute when [testField] did not exist
        mutate { add_field => { "testField" => "" }}


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