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JSDoc function 返回一個自身的參數

[英]JSDoc function returning a parameter of itself

我需要記錄一個 function 有條件地返回其參數之一。 但是 JSDoc 似乎不接受變量作為返回值。

我試圖在返回類型{1 | 0}之后做這樣的事情 {1 | 0}邏輯

 * Finds the page with given index and returns
 *  - index if it does not exist
 *  - user if user doesn't have permissions to read
 *  - else the page itself 
 * @param {number} index 
 * @param {string} user 
 * @returns {index|user|Page}
function getRead(index, user) {
    let page = pages.find(page => page.details.index == index);
    if (page && page.canRead(user)) {
        return page;
    } else if (!page) return index;
    else return user;


if(page == index) return res.send(`Page ${index} does not exist`);
if(page == user) return res.send(`No permissions to view page ${index}`);
//page still recognized as number | string | Page
//no code completion or property suggestions on page


if(typeof page == "number" || page == index) return res.send(`Page ${index} does not exist`);
if(typeof page == "string" || page == user) return res.send(`No permissions to view page ${index}`);
//page recognized as Page


  1. 對參數使用通用類型
 * Finds the page with given index and returns
 *  - index if it does not exist
 *  - user if user doesn't have permissions to read
 *  - else the page itself 
 * @template {number} IndexType
 * @template {string} UserType
 * @param {IndexType} index 
 * @param {UserType} user 
 * @returns {IndexType|UserType|Page}
function getRead(index, user) {


  1. 完全刪除 function 的 JSDoc 並依賴 TypeScript 的類型推斷
function getRead(/**@type {number}*/index, /**@type {string}*/user) {



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