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如何將 JSpinner 值從 Java class 傳遞給另一個 Java class

[英]How to pass JSpinner value from Java class to another Java class

我對 Java 的了解很差,尤其是在課程方面。 我有一個 class,它有一個public static JSpinnerSpinnerNumberModel(2, 2, 4, 1) 更新 JSpinner 中的值(2、3 或 4)后,按下 JButton(單獨的類)后,必須將其傳遞給同一個 JButton。 但是只傳遞我已經設置為默認值的值,即2。在搜索所有可能的論壇后,我意識到問題可能出在static修飾符上。 但是,如果沒有這個修飾符,就會出現“Non-static field 'JSpinner_name' cannot be referenced from a static context”的錯誤 JSpinner所在的class的代碼:

public class settingsPanel extends JPanel {
    public static JSpinner playersCount = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(2, 2, 4, 1));
    public void main(){

        //some code with JSpinner change listener

        saveSettingsButton saveSettingsButton = new saveSettingsButton();

我需要從 JSpinner 向其傳遞值的 class 代碼:

public class saveSettingsButton extends JButton {
    public void main(){

        //some code

        addActionListener(e -> {
            int errorChecking = 0;
            switch ((int) settingsPanel.playersCount.getValue()) {

                //some code


我想將settingsPanel.playersCount.getValue()傳遞給 saveSettingsButton class,但如上所述,僅傳遞預定義值。 我試圖創建一個方法,但仍然無法正常工作(也許我是方法的菜鳥)。 如何在另一個 class 中提供來自 JSpinner 的更新值?

Java 教程通常希望用戶“擴展”用戶界面類以使用它們。 這在理論上很棒,但在實踐中,通常會導致過度殺戮,尤其是對於初學者而言。



package com.company;

import javax.swing.*;

public class MyApp {
    // Declare the UI components we plan on using
    // Note: Without "private" or "public" modifiers
    //   they'll default to "package private", which
    //   is a sane default.
    JFrame mainFrame;
    JPanel settingsPanel;
    JButton saveSettingsButton;
    JSpinner playersCount;

    public MyApp() {
        // Initialize our UI components
        mainFrame = new JFrame("My App");
        settingsPanel = new JPanel();
        saveSettingsButton = new JButton("Click Me");
        playersCount = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(2, 2, 4, 1));

        // Add any listeners (such a "click" listener)
        saveSettingsButton.addActionListener(e -> {
            int errorChecking = 0;
            // The button can read the spinner because they're both declared within the same scope (same class)
            switch ((int) playersCount.getValue()) {

        // Add UI components to panel

        // Add panel to frame/window

        // Show our UI
        mainFrame.pack(); // Automatically set size of frame to fit components
        mainFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Center frame on primary screen
        mainFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Close the app when this window is closed

        // Perform our initial action

    // This is the main entry point into the application when run
    // By default, applications are NOT synchronized onto the UI thread (known as the "Event Dispatch Thread")
    // UIs that aren't synchronized can flicker, crash and have weird behavior
    // SwingUtilities has two functions to synchronize, we'll use "invokeLater()" for this purpose. 
    public static void main(String ... args) {
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> new MyApp()); // invokeLater(): UI should always be created on EDT!



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