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使用 Jackson,如何使用返回具有通用類型的包裝器的 static 工廠方法反序列化值?

[英]Using Jackson, how can I deserialize values using static factory methods that return wrappers with a generic type?

使用 Jackson,我想將一些值反序列化為通用包裝對象,我為每種類型都有一個特定的 static 工廠方法。
然而,Jackson 似乎並沒有接受這一間接層,即使我用@JsonCreator注釋工廠方法。

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException:無法構造Wrapped實例(不存在 Creator,如默認構造函數):沒有字符串參數構造函數/工廠方法可從字符串值('Carl')反序列化

我怎樣才能使 Jackson 使用返回具有通用類型的包裝器的工廠方法?


class Request {
    // I want to deserialize into these fields
    @JsonProperty Wrapped<Person> person;
    @JsonProperty Wrapped<Score> score;

class Wrapped<T> {
    // This is my generic wrapper type.
    // Its construction is non-trivial: it is impossible to first construct the value before wrapping it.
    // Therefor, construction is performed by the factory methods of the concrete value classes (Person, Score, ...).

    // Let's say for simplicity that it did have a simple constructor:
    T value;
    public Wrapped(T value) {
        this.value = value;

class Person {
    public static Wrapped<Person> createWrapped(String name) {
        // complex construction of the wrapped person
        return new Wrapped<>(new Person(name));

    String name;
    public Person(String name) {
        this.name = name;

class Score {
    public static Wrapped<Score> createWrapped(int score) {
        // complex construction of the wrapped score
        return new Wrapped<>(new Score(score));

    int score;
    public Score(int score) {
        this.score = score;

class Example {
    private static final String JSON_REQUEST =

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        Request request = new ObjectMapper()
                .readValue(JSON_REQUEST, Request.class);



public class RequestDTO {
    String  person;
    Integer score;

     * @return the person
    public String getPerson() {
        return person;

     * @return the score
    public Integer getScore() {
        return score;

     * @param person the person to set
    public void setPerson(String person) {
        this.person = person;

     * @param score the score to set
    public void setScore(Integer score) {
        this.score = score;

    public RequestDTO() {
    public RequestDTO(String person, Integer score) {
        this.person = person;
        this.score = score;

並更改請求定義以使用 Mode.DELEGATING

public class Request {
    // I want to deserialize into these fields
    @JsonProperty Wrapped<Person> person;
    @JsonProperty Wrapped<Score> score;

    public static Request createWrapped(RequestDTO requestDTO) {
        // complex construction of the wrapped person
        Request req = new Request();
        req.person = new Wrapped<>(new Person(requestDTO.getPerson()));
        req.score = new Wrapped<>(new Score(requestDTO.getScore()));
        return req ;

@p3consulting 的回答讓我朝着正確的方向前進,但它導致了完全不同的事情。

Jackson 有一個叫做Converter的東西,它完全符合我的要求。


class Request {
    @JsonDeserialize(converter = WrappedPersonDeserializer.class)
    Wrapped<Person> person;

    @JsonDeserialize(converter = WrappedScoreDeserializer.class)
    Wrapped<Score> score;
class PersonConverter
        extends StdConverter<String, Wrapped<Person>> {

    public Wrapped<Person> convert(String value) {
        return Person.createWrapped(value);

class ScoreConverter
        extends StdConverter<Integer, Wrapped<Score>> {

    public Wrapped<Score> convert(Integer score) {
        return Score.createWrapped(score);

對於具有更復雜簽名的工廠方法,您可以使用 DTO 使其工作,例如:

class WrappedPersonConverter2
        extends StdConverter<WrappedPersonConverter2.DTO, Wrapped<Person>> {

    public Wrapped<Person> convert(WrappedPersonConverter2.DTO dto) {
        return Person.createWrapped(dto.first, dto.last);

    public static class DTO {
        public int first;
        public int last;



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