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Python PyQt5 AttributeError:類型 object 'QWidget' 沒有屬性 'radioButton'

[英]Python PyQt5 AttributeError: type object 'QWidget' has no attribute 'radioButton'

我遇到一個錯誤,指出我的設置 class 沒有屬性:


當我確定它的時候。 這是發生錯誤的代碼:

import time
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
from PyQt5 import uic
from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor
import requests
from random import randint as r
from datetime import datetime

class settings(QWidget):
    global stngs
    def __init__(self):
        super(settings, self).__init__()
        uic.loadUi("SettingsUI.ui", self)

    def gotomain(self):
        global stngs
        global mn
        stngs = 0
        mn = 1
    def check(self):
        global white
        global black
        except Exception:
            white = 1
            black = 0
        if black == 1:
        if self.radioButton.isChecked():
            white = 1
            black = 0
            return ("white")
        elif self.radioButton_2.isChecked():
            black = 1
            white = 0
            return ("black")

class MyGUI(QMainWindow):

    def __init__(self):
        global black
        global white
        global stngs
        stngs = 0
        super(MyGUI, self).__init__()
        uic.loadUi("ChatbotUI.ui", self)

    def gotosettings(self):
        global stngs
        stngs = 1

    def checkcolour():
        check = settings.check(settings)
        if check == "white":
        elif check == "black":
            raise ("Something wrong with background colour changing algorithm")


    def black(self):
        self.setStyleSheet("background-color: black;")
        self.pushButton.setStyleSheet("background-color : white;")
        self.lineEdit.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
        self.menubar.setStyleSheet("color: white;")
        self.textBrowser.setTextColor(QColor(255, 255, 255))
    def white(self):
        self.setStyleSheet("background-color: white;")
        self.pushButton.setStyleSheet("background-color : white;")
        self.lineEdit.setStyleSheet("color: black;")
        self.menubar.setStyleSheet("color: black;")
        self.textBrowser.setTextColor(QColor(0, 0, 0))

    def pressenter(self):
        userinput = self.lineEdit.text()
        response = self.get_response(userinput)

    def get_response(self, userinput):
        global ait_ball_ans
        ait_ball_ans = [
            "Question unclear, ask later",
            "Obviously not",
            "Of course"

        #getting ip adress of user
        def get_ip():
            response = requests.get('https://api64.ipify.org?format=json').json()
            return response["ip"]

        #getting location info of user
        ip_address = get_ip()
        response = requests.get(f'https://ipapi.co/{ip_address}/json/').json()
        #weather api key and location info
        api_key = '14aaded169c4d6e2a5a2547d126b3f70'
        city = response.get("city") + ", " + response.get("country_code")
        qsi = userinput
        qs = qsi.lower().split()
        length = len(qs)

        if "what" in qs and ("name" in qs or "name?" in qs) and ("your" in qs or "ur" in qs) and (length == 3 or length == 4):
            print("My name is chatbot, and I am a language model trained by Zayan Arshad.")
            text = "My name is chatbot, and I am a language model trained by Zayan Arshad."
        elif ("chatbot" in qs or "chatbot?" in qs) and ("you" in qs and "are" in qs):
            print("Yes, my name is chatbot, a language model trained by Zayan Arshad.")
            text = "Yes, my name is chatbot, a language model trained by Zayan Arshad."
        elif "is" in qs and length == 4 and "chatbot" not in qs and "name" in qs:
            print("My name is chatbot, and I am a language model trained by Zayan Arshad.")
            text = "My name is chatbot, and I am a language model trained by Zayan Arshad."
        elif "should" and "you" and "what" and "call" in qs:
            print("My name is chatbot, and I am a language model trained by Zayan Arshad.")
            text = "My name is chatbot, and I am a language model trained by Zayan Arshad."
        elif ("hello" in qs or "hi" in qs) or ("good" and "evening") in qs or ("good" and "morning") in qs or ("good" and "afternoon") in qs:
            print("Hello! Is there any way I can help you?")
            text = "Hello! Is there any way I can help you?"
        elif ("weather" in qs or "weather?" in qs) and ("what" in qs or "pls" in qs or "tell" in qs or "what's" in qs or "whats" in qs):
            url = f'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={city}&appid={api_key}'
            response = requests.get(url)
            data = response.json()
            conditions = data['weather'][0]['main']
            temperature = data['main']['temp']
            temperature_celsius = temperature - 273.15
            print("The weather condition is " + conditions + " and the temprature is " + str(temperature_celsius) + " in celcius.")
            text = "The weather condition is " + conditions + " and the temprature is " + str(temperature_celsius) + " in celcius."
        elif ("time" in qs or "time?" in qs) and ("what" in qs or "pls" in qs or "tell" in qs or "what's" in qs or "whats" in qs):
            print("The time is " + str(datetime.now().time()))
            text = "The time is " + str(datetime.now().time())
        elif ("give" in qs or "tell" in qs) and ("joke" in qs or "joke!" in qs):
            response = requests.get("https://sv443.net/jokeapi/v2/joke/Any")
            data = response.json()
            if 'setup' in data:
                setup = data['setup']
                delivery = data['delivery']
                print(setup + "\n" + delivery)
                text = setup + "\n" + delivery
                joke = data['joke']
        elif ("give" in qs or "tell" in qs) and "fact" in qs:
            response = requests.get("https://uselessfacts.jsph.pl/random.json?language=en")
            data = response.json()
            fact = data['text']
            print("Your random fact is:\n" + fact)
            text = "Your random fact is:\n" + fact
        elif ("8" in qs or "eight" in qs) and ("ball" in qs or "ball," in qs):
            ans_num = r(1, 5)
            ans = ait_ball_ans[ans_num]
            text = ans
            print("I'm sorry, but I am not advanced enough to answer your question or statement, a child has made me and my creator is a beginner to python and he has somehow made me. Feel free to ask me anything else or tell me something.")
            text = "I'm sorry, but I am not advanced enough to answer your question or statement, a child has made me and my creator is a beginner to python and he has somehow made me. Feel free to ask me anything else or tell me something."  
        return text

def main():
    app = QApplication([])
    window = MyGUI()

    if stngs == 1:

def settingsfunc():
    app = QApplication([])
    settingswindow = settings()

    if mn == 1:

if __name__ == '__main__':

有關更多詳細信息:此腳本是在 python 中制作的聊天機器人和一些使用 PyQt5 和 Qt Designer 制作的 GUI 到 go。 發生錯誤的區域是:

def checkcolour():
        check = settings.check(settings)
        if check == "white":
        elif check == "black":
            raise ("Something wrong with background colour changing algorithm")


如果您使用 uic.loadUi("SettingsUI.ui", self) 啟用您的用戶界面,您必須調用 self.findchild(, ) 以獲取指向 object 的鏈接。

只需將此代碼添加到 init

pushBtn = self.findChild(QRadioButton, "radioButton")

然后使用 pushBtn 作為按鈕的鏈接


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