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關於兩個和的問題 leetcode 問題:C 中的蠻力方法

[英]question about two sum leetcode problem: brute force approach in C


i) 為什么我們需要做 &rs,為什么我們不能寫

    int returnSize;
    p = twoSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), target, int*returnSize);

    if(returnSize == 0) 

而不是&rs...這樣做有什么問題? 我在這里運行代碼:#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>

int* twoSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int target, int* returnSize){
    int i, j;
    int* ret_arr = (int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int));

    if(ret_arr == NULL){
       // *returnSize = 0;
       returnSize = 0;
        return NULL; 

    for(i = 0; i< numsSize; i++){
        for(j = i+1; j< numsSize; j++){
            if(nums[i] + nums[j] == target){
                //*returnSize = 2;
                returnSize = 2;

                ret_arr[0] = I;
                ret_arr[1] = j;
                return ret_arr;
    //*returnSize = 0;
    returnSize = 0;

    return NULL;


int main()
 int a[] = {2,7,11,15};
 int returnSize, target = 18;
 int *p = NULL;

 p = twoSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), target, int*returnSize);

 //if(*returnSize == 0){
 if(returnSize == 0){
     printf("target not found");
     printf("target found at indices %d and %d/n", p[0], p[1]);
 return 0;

error result:
main.c: In function ‘twoSum’:
main.c:34:28: warning: assignment to ‘int *’ from ‘int’ makes 
pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion]
   34 |                 returnSize = 2;
      |                            ^
main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:57:48: error: expected expression before ‘int’
   57 |  p = twoSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), target, 
      |                                                ^~~

完整代碼: https://onlinegdb.com/7OpTpwxZy3


ii) 指針數組概念 Q

我們需要在第 60 行聲明指針p ,因為要訪問返回的數組元素(兩個 sum 函數的)並將它們打印出來(就像它們在行中使用的那樣),從 main 屏幕上。 問題:當我們已經在 MAIN 中聲明了指針 p 時,為什么我們需要兩個和 FUNCTION 的指針,它就像指針指向一個指針(如int*a, int*p, p = a ),為什么代碼可以工作?

如果我在雙數 function 前面刪除第 4 行(第 2 張圖片)中的“int*”,則會出現錯誤。main.c:28:1: 警告:返回類型默認為“int”[-Wimplicit-int] 28 | twoSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int target, int* returnSize){ | ^~~~~~ main.c:在 function 'twoSum' 中:main.c:34:16:警告:從返回類型為 'int' 的 function 返回 'void *' 使 integer 從沒有強制轉換的指針 [-Wint -轉換] 34 | 返回 NULL; | ^~~~ main.c:43:24:警告:從返回類型為“int”的 function 返回“int *”使得 integer 從沒有強制轉換的指針 [-Wint-conversion] 43 | 返回 ret_arr; | ^~~~~~~ main.c:49:12: 警告:從返回類型為“int”的 function 返回“void *”使得 integer 來自沒有強制轉換的指針 [- Wint-conversion] 49 | 返回 NULL; | ^~~~ main.c: In function 'main': main.c:60:4: warning: assignment to 'int *' from 'int' makes pointer from integer without a cast [-Wint-conversion] 60 | p = twoSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), target, &rs); | ^

這是完整的參考代碼:#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>

twoSum(int* nums, int numsSize, int target, int* returnSize){
    int i, j;
    int* ret_arr = (int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int));

    if(ret_arr == NULL){
        *returnSize = 0;
        return NULL;

    for(i = 0; i< numsSize; i++){
        for(j = i+1; j< numsSize; j++){
            if(nums[i] + nums[j] == target){
                *returnSize = 2;
                ret_arr[0] = I;
                ret_arr[1] = j;
                return ret_arr;
    *returnSize = 0;
    return NULL;


int main()
 int a[] = {2,7,11,15};
 int rs, target = 18;
 int *p = NULL;

 p = twoSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), target, &rs);

 if(rs == 0){
      printf("target not found");
     printf("target found at indices %d and %d/n", p[0], p[1]);
 return 0;

我希望我提供了足夠的信息來理解這個問題,對於有經驗的程序員來說,問題可能相當簡單,但我只是一個初學者。 如果您認為自己是在向初學者解釋,也請用簡單易懂的詞來解釋。


i) 我嘗試更改主 function 以及 twosum function 中的代碼,如下所示。

    int returnSize;
    p = twoSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), target, int*returnSize);

    if(returnSize == 0) 

ii) 我嘗試在第 4 行(第 2 張照片)中刪除int* ,在 twosum function 前面,但我在此處顯示錯誤:


function twoSum試圖找到數組中兩個元素的總和等於給定目標。 這段代碼的作者做出了以下設計選擇:

// The function returns a POINTER to some memory, allocated in the free store,
// where the two indeces will be stored, or NULL if no elements satisfy the constraint.
twoSum( int* nums, int numsSize   // The array is passed as pointer to its first
                                  // element and size (number of elements)
      , int target
      , int* returnSize )         // This POINTER is used to "return" the size
                                  // of the memory allocated in this function
                                  // to the caller. This may be referred to as 
                                  // an "out parameter", it allows the function
                                  // to change the value of a variable stored elsewhere.
    int i, j;
    int* ret_arr = (int*)malloc(2*sizeof(int));

    if(ret_arr == NULL){
        *returnSize = 0;
//      ^ The pointer must be DEREFERENCED to access the value of the pointee.

        return NULL; 
/*  [...]  */

int main()
   int a[] = {2,7,11,15};
   int returnSize, target = 18;
   //^^^^^^^^^^^^               This variable is declared as an int. 
   int *p = NULL;

   p = twoSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), target, &returnSize);
   // We need to pass its ADDRESS here           ^^^^^^^^^^^
   // because this function is expecting a POINTER to int.

   if( returnSize == 0){
   //  ^^^^^^^^^^  Beeing an int, it must be used as an int value.
       printf("target not found");
   } else {
       printf("target found at indices %d and %d/n", p[0], p[1]);
       free(p);  // <- Correct. The caller has this responsability.
   return 0;

要回答第一點,它需要&因為它需要將在main中聲明的變量returnSize的地址作為int 該地址被傳遞給 function,用於初始化局部變量returnSize ,該變量在 function 的簽名中聲明為int *類型的參數,一個指針 請注意,這是兩個不同的對象,在不同的范圍內,具有不同的生命周期和不同的類型。


p = twoSum(a, sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]), target, int*returnSize);
//                                            ^^^^ Syntax error, this isn't a declaration

當我們已經在main中聲明了指針p時,為什么我們需要twoSum function 的指針?

我不確定 OP 的疑慮是什么。 main中聲明的變量需要賦一個有意義的值,所以它使用function返回的值。在twoSum內部,需要一個指針類型的變量來分配所需的memory並返回給main

這不是完成此任務的唯一方法,事實上,我們可能更願意不在 function 中分配任何內存,而是傳遞一個地址:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// If there exist two elements whose sum equals the 'target', the function returns 1
// and the indices of these elements are stored in the array 'indices'.
// Otherwise, the function returns 0 and doesn't modify 'indices'.
find_indices_of_sum( size_t n, int const* arr
                   , int target
                   , int *indices )
    for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        for(size_t j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
            if( arr[i] + arr[j] == target )
                indices[0] = i;
                indices[1] = j;
                return 1;
    return 0;

int main(void)
    int a[] = {2, 7, 11, 15};
    size_t a_size = sizeof a / sizeof *a;
    int target = 18;

    // Declares the array in main.
    int indices[2];
    if ( find_indices_of_sum(a_size, a, target, indices) )
    { // Pass the address of its first element  ^^^^^^^, the size is known (2).
      printf("Target found at indices %d and %d\n", indices[0], indices[1]);
      //                                       ^^
      // No need to free anything. 'indices' has automatic storage duration.
      puts("Target not found"); 

    return 0;    


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

struct idx_pair
  size_t first, second;

static inline bool is_valid(struct idx_pair p)
  return p.first != p.second;

// The function returns both the indices wrapped in a single struct.
struct idx_pair
find_inidces_of_sum( size_t n, int const *arr
                   , int target )
  for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      for( size_t j = i + 1; j < n; ++j)
          if( arr[i] + arr[j] == target )
            return (struct idx_pair){ .first = i, .second = j };
            //     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is not a cast, it's a 
            //     compound literal with designated initializers.
  return (struct idx_pair){ .first = 0, .second = 0 };

int main(void)
    int a[] = {2, 7, 11, 15};
    size_t a_size = sizeof a / sizeof *a;

    int target = 18;
    struct idx_pair solution = find_indices_of_sum(a_size, a, target);
    if ( is_valid(solution) )
        printf("Target found at indices %d and %d\n", solution.first, solution.second);
        puts("Target not found");

    return 0;



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