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React - 使用 Switch 和 boolean 案例的條件渲染

[英]React - Conditional Rendering with Switch and boolean case

我想澄清一個關於 React Conditional Rendering with Switch Case 的疑問

我有一個有條件的實現。 即我必須根據 boolean 大小寫設置一個字符串值


 let str = "";
    switch(some object)
     case object.yes:  // The case here is boolean. IS it possible to set boolean case. I did try but the value is not set correctly based on the case in the str variable.
       str = "Yes"
    case object.no:
    str = "No"

如果上面的代碼不可能,我會使用 if...else。 但是在代碼審查期間,我肯定會被問到為什么我不使用 Switch 而不是 if...else。 我想給出一個令人信服的答案。 我搜索了教程,但我只能找到字符串大小寫,而不是 React 的 boolean 大小寫。

只想驗證 boolean 案例是否可能。


 const object = { yes: true, no: false } const str = (() => { switch (true) { case object.yes: // The case here is boolean. IS it possible to set boolean case. I did try but the value is not set correctly based on the case in the str variable. return "Yes"; case object.no: return "No"; default: return "Unknown"; } })(); console.log(str);


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