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如何實際打印存儲在變量 X 和 Y 中的數字? 總成 x86

[英]How do I actually print the numbers I'm storing in the variables X and Y? Assembly x86

我需要讀取和打印存儲在兩個變量中的數字(我正在做一個菜單程序)但是當我打印它們時它會打印 ASCII 表中的小寫字母(比如 a、b、c 而不是 2、3、4) . 我知道我應該減去 48 並乘以,但我沒有找到關於如何在我的程序中實現該轉換的好解決方案。 我正在使用裝配 x86,TASM。



mov dx, offset prompt1
   mov ah, 9
   int 21h


    mov bx, offset x ; point BX to the start of the array x
    mov cx, 10 ; set the counter to the number of elements in the array x

        mov ah, 01h ; function to read a single character
        int 21h ; call DOS function

        mov [bx], al ; store the character in the current array element
        inc bx ; move to the next array element

        loop input_loop1 ; repeat until counter reaches 0

    jmp input_y


mov dx, offset prompt2
mov ah, 9
int 21h

    mov bx, offset y ; point BX to the start of the array y
    mov cx, 10 ; set the counter to the number of elements in the array y

        mov ah, 01h ; function to read a single character
        int 21h ; call DOS function

        mov [bx], al ; store the character in the current array element
        inc bx ; move to the next array element

        loop input_loop2 ; repeat until counter reaches 0
    jmp bucla 



 mov dx, offset prompt3
   mov ah, 9
   int 21h

    mov bx, offset x ; point BX to the start of the array x
    mov cx, 10 ; set the counter to the number of elements in the array x

        mov dl, [bx] ; move the value of the current array element to DL
        add dl, 48 ; convert the number to its ASCII equivalent
        mov ah, 02h ; function to print a single character
        int 21h ; call DOS function

        inc bx ; move to the next array element
        loop print_loop1 ; repeat until counter reaches 0

    jmp print_y


 mov dx, offset prompt4
   mov ah, 9
   int 21h

    mov bx, offset y ; point BX to the start of the array y
    mov cx, 10 ; set the counter to the number of elements in the array y

        mov dl, [bx] ; move the value of the current array element to DL
        add dl, 48 ; convert the number to its ASCII equivalent

        mov ah, 02h ; function to print a single character
        int 21h ; call DOS function

        inc bx ; move to the next array element
        loop print_loop2 ; repeat until counter reaches 0

jmp bucla ; return to main loop

如何實際打印存儲在變量 X 和 Y 中的數字?

您已將數字的 ASCII 表示形式存儲在 X 和 Y 變量中。 因此打印數字不需要任何轉換。 只需從afisare代碼中刪除行add dl, 48

但是,如果您確實想將輸入的數字從文本轉換為 integer,請閱讀使用 DOS 輸入多基多位帶符號數字中的內容。

要顯示此類整數,請閱讀Displaying numbers with DOS


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