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Next.js 包羅萬象的動態路由不起作用

[英]Next.js catch-all dynamic routing not working

我正在努力為我的 static 文檔頁面實現 nextjs 動態路由。


├── pages
    ├── docs
        ├── [...slug].tsx <- want to route here other than `/docs`
        ├── index.tsx     <- want to route here only `/docs`
│   ├── _app.tsx
│   └── index.tsx
└── next.config.js


我使用 [...slug].tsx 因為我想用相同的邏輯處理/docs/下的所有路由。 因此, /docs/ABCD/docs/ABCD/1234/將由 [...slug].tsx 處理。

假設我在 index.tsx 中有Link組件,如下所示。

// `doc.slug` can be "ABCD" or "ABCD/1234"
const Docs = (props) => {
    const { docs } = props
    return (
            {docs.map((doc, i) => {
                return (
                    <div key={i}>
                        <Link href={'/docs/' + doc.slug}>


export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
    // Our Markdown files are stored in the docs/ directory
    const DOCS_DIR = path.join(`${process.cwd() + '/src'}`, 'docs')

    // Find all Markdown files in the posts/ directory
    const docPaths = await glob(path.join(DOCS_DIR, '**/*.md'))

    // For each filename, the slug is the filename without the .md extension
    // and we split path which we use for our slug
    const paths = docPaths.map((docPath) => {
        const slug = docPath.split('docs/')[1].replace('.md', '')
        // We should have "ABCD" and "ABCD/1234" for our staticPath
        return { params: { slug: [slug] } } <- I think I do some wrong thing here?

    // Return the possible paths
    return { paths, fallback: false }

當前代碼適用於單個docs/ABCD路由,但在docs/EFGH/1234路由(嵌套路由)中返回 404 錯誤。


├── pages
    ├── docs
        ├── [EFGH]
            ├── 1234.tsx <- It works!
        ├── [...slug].tsx <- want to route here other than `/docs`
        ├── index.tsx     <- want to route here only `/docs`
│   ├── _app.tsx
│   └── index.tsx
└── next.config.js


你是對的,陣列上有問題。 它應該像這樣返回。

return { params: { slug: ['ABCD','1234'] } }

參考: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/data-fetching/get-static-paths#paths


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