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使用 Terraform 使上傳到 s3 的本地文件的雲端緩存無效

[英]Invalidate cloudfront cache of local files uploaded to s3 using Terraform

我原本打算發布這個問題的答案,但它似乎離題了,因為我有一個關於使上傳到 s3 的本地文件無效的特定用例。

我希望上傳到 s3 存儲桶並通過雲端服務的本地文件在更改時失效。

我的解決方案並不完美; 我已經詳細說明了一些注意事項。 然而,它確實滿足了我想要實現的目標。

resource null_resource cache_invalidation {
  # prevent invalidating cache before new s3 file is uploaded
  depends_on = [

  for_each = fileset("${path.module}/<LOCAL_FILES_TO_S3_TO_CLOUDFRONT>/", "**")

  triggers = {
    hash = filemd5("<LOCAL_FILES_TO_S3_TO_CLOUDFRONT>/${each.value}")

  provisioner local-exec {
    # sleep is necessary to prevent throttling when invalidating many files; a dynamic sleep time would be more reliable
    # possible way of dealing with parallelism (though would lose the indiviual triggers): https://discuss.hashicorp.com/t/specify-parallelism-for-null-resource/20884/2
    command = "sleep 1; aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${aws_cloudfront_distribution.this.id} --paths '/${each.value}'"

注意事項 1:第一次運行時,它會希望使所有列出的文件失效。

警告 2:如果要使數十個或更多文件失效,您可能會收到來自 AWS 的節流錯誤。 這只需要幾次初始運行apply


resource null_resource cache_invalidation {
  # prevent invalidating cache before new s3 file is uploaded
  depends_on = [

  for_each = setsubtract(
    fileset("${path.module}/<LOCAL_FILES_TO_S3_TO_CLOUDFRONT>/", "**"),
    [for file in fileset("${path.module}/<LOCAL_FILES_TO_S3_TO_CLOUDFRONT>/img/", "*") : "img/${file}"],

  triggers = {
    hash = filemd5("<LOCAL_FILES_TO_S3_TO_CLOUDFRONT>/${each.value}")

  provisioner local-exec {
    # sleep is necessary to prevent throttling when invalidating many files
    # possible way of dealing with parallelism (though would lose the indiviual triggers): https://discuss.hashicorp.com/t/specify-parallelism-for-null-resource/20884/2
    command = "sleep 1; aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${aws_cloudfront_distribution.this.id} --paths '/${each.value}'"


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