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復制和重命名動態 excel 工作簿保存 pdf 和 txt 文件

[英]Copy and Rename dynamic excel workbooks save with pdf and txt documents

您好,我在一個文件夾中有很多 88795099932388 工作簿和 pdf 和 txt 文檔,我想將它們保存在一個新文件夾(文件夾名稱與 excel 工作簿相同)中,僅包含 pdf 和 txt 文檔,但不包含 excel。


Sub FSOCopyFolder()

Dim fso As Object

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

fso.CopyFolder "C:\User\A", "C:\User\A" 'Dst folder exists
fso.CopyFolder "C:\User\A", "C:\User\A" 'DstNew folder is created

End Sub


例如。 文件夾 A-111 有 A-111.xlsm、A-111.pdf 和 A-111.txt,想將 A-111.pdf 和 A-111.txt 文檔復制到新目標文件夾中。

文件夾 B-111 有 B-111.xlsm、B-111.pdf 和 B-111.txt,想將 B-111.pdf 和 B-111.txt 文檔復制到新目標文件夾等

Option Explicit

Sub distributeFile()
Dim FileName As String
Dim fs As Object

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Debug.Print ActiveWorkbook.Path
FileName = Dir([put here the full path where the files are] & "\*.xlsm")

Do While FileName <> ""
Dim newFolderName As String, fileBaseName
    fileBaseName = fs.getbasename(FileName)
    newFolderName = "C:\User\New\" & fileBaseName & "\"
    If fs.FileExists(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & fileBaseName & ".pdf") Then
        If Not fs.FolderExists(newFolderName) Then fs.CreateFolder (newFolderName)
        fs.movefile ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & fileBaseName & ".pdf", newFolderName
    End If
    If fs.FileExists(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & fileBaseName & ".txt") Then
        If Not fs.FolderExists(newFolderName) Then fs.CreateFolder (newFolderName)
        fs.movefile ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & fileBaseName & ".txt", newFolderName
    End If
    FileName = Dir()
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub


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