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[英]how to add words that must be written in data input, if the word is not input then a loop will occur in the data?


  1. Input your address [must be ended with 'street']: red 輸入必須以'street'結尾!
  2. 輸入您的地址[必須以'street'結尾]:red street



// Keyboard input Stream. The JVM will auto-Close this when app ends.
Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);  
// To hold supplied Address.
String address = "";
// Continue looping for as long as the `address` variable is empty.
while (address.isEmpty()) {
    System.out.print("Enter Address: -> ");  // Ask User for Adress:
    address = userInput.nextLine().trim();   // Get entire keyboard input line:
    /* Validating User Input using the String#matches() method and a
       small Regular Expression (RegEx): `(?i)` Letter case insensative,
       `.*` Any number of alphanumerical characters, ` street` must 
       end with a whitespace and `street` in any letter case.      */
    if (!address.matches("(?i).* street")) {
        // Not a match! Inform User and allow to try again...
        System.out.println("Invalid Address. Must end with the word "
                             + "'Street'. Try Again...");
        address = "";  // Empty `address` to ensure reloop.

// If we get to this point then validation was successful.
// Display the Address in Console Window:
System.out.println("Supplied Address: -> " + address);

你嘗試過什么嗎? 如果沒有,您可以分解為以下內容並逐步構建您的代碼。


您應該首先選擇一個循環開始。 For 循環還是Do-while 循環
對於For-loop ,它將重復循環內的邏輯給定的次數。
對於Do-While loop ,它將重復直到您的邏輯不再滿足為止。

什么 function 可以用來讀取輸入?

可用於讀取 Input 的最簡單的 class 將是Scanner


因為您知道您必須重復輸入邏輯,直到最后輸入街道 所以你可能最終會遇到這樣的事情:

Define some useful variables here if necessary
Loop Body Start (Repeat Condition here if you choose for-loop)
  Ask for Input
Loop Body End (Repeat Condition here if you choose do-while loop)

請注意,自動這個詞意味着如果您的要求未得到滿足,您將無能為力。 因為如果您規定的要求尚未完成,循環意味着重復。


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