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火箭整流罩、tokio-scheduler 和 crons 的生命周期問題

[英]Lifetime issues with rocket fairings, tokio-scheduler and crons

我目前正在 Rocket 上構建一個 API 引擎,正如現代應用程序所做的那樣,我想包含一個自動調度程序來在 Rocket API 運行時運行異步任務(又名 crons)。

我決定使用 Rocket fairings 在“升空”事件中啟用圍繞 tokio-schedule 構建的上述調度程序。



-> 這是我的“命令”模塊,包含用於使用我的應用程序構建和移動命令(又名 crons)的所有結構部分。

/// Synthetize a command execution result.
pub enum CommandResult {

/// Trait to define structs as runnable async crons with tokio_scheduler
pub trait Command: Send + Sync {
    /// returns the current command name
    fn get_command_name(&self) -> String;

    /// returns the current command argument payload
    fn get_command_args(&self) -> Option<HashMap<String, String>>;

    /// returns the "cron_middleware"
    fn get_cron_middleware(&self) -> CronLogMiddleware<CronLogRepository>;

    /// real body for the command execution, must be overriden in impls.
    async fn do_run(&self) -> Result<CommandResult>;

    /// starts the command process by validating command lock, and registering an open cron log into database.
    async fn begin(&self) -> Result<CronLog> {
        // ...

    /// ends the command process by releasing command lock, and registering the result of the command to an opened cron log into database.
    async fn end(&self, cron_log: &CronLog, result: CommandResult) -> Result<()> {
        // ...

    /// hidden runner of commands, uses begin, end and do_run, and will be used by runner.
    async fn run(&self) -> Result<()> {
        // ...

    /// generates a unique key for this command name + args, for locks purposes
    fn generate_unicity_key(&self) -> String {
        // ...

    /// converts command args as a string payload
    fn get_command_args_as_string(&self) -> String {
        // ...

/// struct to move a command + its cron schedule into scheduler.
pub struct CommandHandle<T: Command + ?Sized + Send + Sync> {
    pub command: Box<T>,
    pub schedule: String,


/// a testing purpose command
pub struct TestCommand {
    pub name: String,
    pub args: Option<HashMap<String, String>>,
    pub cron_log_middleware: CronLogMiddleware<CronLogRepository>,

impl Command for TestCommand {
    // accessors (get_... functions)

    async fn do_run(&self) -> Result<CommandResult> {
        debug!("executed !");



    let mut sched = CronScheduler::default();

    sched.add_cron(CommandHandle {
        command: Box::new(TestCommand {
            name: "app:test".to_string(),
            args: None,
            cron_log_middleware: cron_log_middleware.clone(),
        schedule: "*/1 * * * *".to_string(),

    // then I add sched to rocket with .manage()


/// a rocket fairing enabling async tasks (eg crons) while rocket is launching
pub struct CronScheduler {
    crons: Vec<CommandHandle<dyn Command>>,

impl CronScheduler {
    /// adds a cron (eg CommandHandle with a given command) to run with the scheduler.
    pub fn add_cron(&mut self, cron: CommandHandle<dyn Command>) {

impl Fairing for CronScheduler {
                        v -- error is here
    async fn on_liftoff(&self, _rocket: &Rocket<Orbit>) {
        let sched = SchedulerBuilder::build().await;

        for handle in self.crons.iter() {
            let job = Job::new_cron_job_async(handle.schedule.as_str(), |_uid, _lock| {
                Box::pin(async move {



Aaaand 我得到這個錯誤:

error[E0759]: `self` has lifetime `'life0` but it needs to satisfy a `'static` lifetime requirement
  --> src/core/fairings/cron_scheduler.rs:34:26
34 |       async fn on_liftoff(&self, rocket: &Rocket<Orbit>) {
   |                            ^^^^ this data with lifetime `'life0`...
39 | /                 Box::pin(async move {
40 | |                     handle.command.run().await;
41 | |                 })
   | |__________________- ...is used and required to live as long as `'static` here
note: `'static` lifetime requirement introduced by the return type
  --> src/core/fairings/cron_scheduler.rs:34:5
34 |       async fn on_liftoff(&self, rocket: &Rocket<Orbit>) {
   |       ^^^^^ requirement introduced by this return type
39 | /                 Box::pin(async move {
40 | |                     handle.command.run().await;
41 | |                 })
   | |__________________- because of this returned expression

我的貨物 toml 縮短了:

rocket = {version = "0.5.0-rc.2", features = ["json"]}
// ...
tokio-cron-scheduler = {version = "0.8.1", features = ["signal"]}
// ...

我嘗試了不同的解決方案,並指出這是導致問題的命令,就好像我用類似 println 的東西替換了“Box::pin(...)”的內容。 沒有任何問題。

我不知道這是否是 async-trait 和 rocket async traits 之間的沖突,或者其他,但我無法弄清楚。

編輯 1:縮短了很多代碼,因為票太長了。

編輯 2:由於經過驗證的答案找到了解決方案; 這是修補的最終代碼,如果它可以幫助任何人。


// command 

pub struct CommandHandle<T: Command + ?Sized + Send + Sync> {
    pub command: Arc<T>,
    pub schedule: String,

impl<T> Clone for CommandHandle<T>
    T: Command + ?Sized + Send + Sync,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        Self {
            command: self.command.clone(),
            schedule: self.schedule.clone(),

// fairing 

    async fn on_liftoff(&self, _rocket: &Rocket<Orbit>) {
        let sched = SchedulerBuilder::build().await;

        for handle in self.crons.iter() {
            let schedule = handle.schedule.clone();

            let handle = handle.clone();

            let job = Job::new_cron_job_async(schedule.as_str(), move |_uid, _lock| {
                let handle = handle.clone();

                Box::pin(async move {



Job::new_cron_job_async要求你的閉包是'static ,但它不是,因為handle是對self.crons的引用。

快速查看您的結構,如果您在CommandHandle中使用Arc而不是Box ,那么它很容易被克隆,因此可以為 cron 作業提供一個'static句柄”:

pub struct CommandHandle<T: Command + ?Sized + Send + Sync> {
    pub command: Arc<T>, // <------------
    pub schedule: String,

impl Clone for CommandHandle ...
for handle in self.crons.iter() {
    let handle = handle.clone(); // <------------               vvvv
    let job = Job::new_cron_job_async(handle.schedule.as_str(), move |_uid, _lock| {
        let handle = handle.clone(); // <------------
        Box::pin(async move {


由於您發布的代碼不完整,因此很難驗證,但我相信您需要上面的兩個克隆,因為 function 需要所有權為'static ,但也必須是FnMut才能被多次調用,因此無法移動句柄直接進入async塊。


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